- This codebase has been built on top of OpenAI gym version '0.9.3' code and has been tested on
MuJoCo mjpro131
. - You can install it as
git clone https://github.com/sanjaythakur/Multiple_Task_MuJoCo_Domains
cd gym
pip install -e .
- The repository allows for creating multiple different tasks on the MuJoCo domains that vary in their dynamics. This will be handy in performing experiments across multiple tasks. The details of how to tasks are created is summarized down in this readme file.
Note that this repository currently supports creating
different tasks only onHalfCheetah
- The following example shows how to create a unique task variant (task identity of 2) on a HalfCheetah environment.
from gym.multiple_tasks import get_task_on_MUJOCO_environment
env = get_task_on_MUJOCO_environment(env_name='HalfCheetah', task_identity='2')
observation = env.reset()
for _ in range(1000):
action = env.action_space.sample()
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
Note that both arguments env_name
and task_identity
need a string value. This current repository allows for HalfCheetah and Swimmer envionments with task identities ranging from 0 to 19.
- We confirmend that the changes in the task dynamics are not too drastic to render them unlearnable by training agents using PPO code here. The performance plots can be seen under
directory in this repository.