This code is used Write Multiple images into a folder using python cv2. For fetching the images we have folder images and for writing we have folder output_images. I will show how the images look when they are written in the folder output_images
I have used python programming to implement such piece of work. I have used enumerate function to get the index of each image and write the image with index and format function. For more details please refer to the below code.
for bb,file in enumerate (glob.glob(path)):
a= cv2.imread(file)
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#conversion numpy array into rgb image to show
c = cv2.cvtColor(a, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
cv2.imshow('Color image', c)
#writing the images in a folder output_images
cv2.imwrite('A:\MY_company\Sanpreet_Singh\Client Work\OpenCV-Sanjeev\images\output_images\messigray{}.png'.format(bb), c)
Please downloaded the file and folders and run the below command. Note, please change address by yourself