- A GitHub Acoount . If you don't have one make it here
- Git . Install Git here
- Run the setup file,click next
- Check 2nd checkbox as shown and click next
- Check with use the native window secure channel library and click next
- Check with use MinTTY and click next
- Check first two checkbox and click next
- Installation process start
- Open your Github account . You will see a page somewhat like this .
- Click on Start Project Button to create a new project repository.
- Alternatively you can also click on the new repository as shown in the bottom corner of the image .
- Once you have clicked you'll be directed to this page.
- Enter the repository name you want . Remembere there are some conventions to naming the repositories . When you enter the name wait for a while until the green tick comes as shown in the image .
- Then you can Click on the green create Repository button .
- Then you will be redirected to the next page.
- You have succesfully created a new repository on github .
- Now we will see how we can push our data in the repository
- Once you have installed Git on your system we can push our projects through it.
- Open Git Bash and you will something like this.
- The First two commands you need to run are just to get youself registered on Git.
git config --global.user "santk97"
git config --global user.email "****@gmail.com"
- Make sure the username and email you enter are github registered(not necessary but makes work easy)
- Now you need to direct your git to the destined folder .For that we use the
cd "path"
command . In the double quotes you need to enter the full path of your project .
5 Now that we have reached ou project folder the first thing we need to do is initialise out git in the project .
git init
Use this command. It will make a .git folder in your project .
6 . Now that we have created the git folder . We will now add the files to be pushed , It can be done in two ways:
- Selectively
git add filename
- All Files
git add .
7 . We will use the git add . command 8 . Once we have added , the next thing we need to do is commit these changes .
git commit -m "your commit message"
Remember:The commit message should be a meaningful one .
- Next we will connect our GitHub repo with this project using the link given to us on the github page . Copy the blue highlighted part
10 . Next we will use the URI Link to connect our project to github .
- For that we will use
git remote add origin ** paste here**
12 . The last step is to to push the changes to the repository.
git push origin master
13 . If everything you have done is correct and followed the guide correctly your github repository should have been updated. something like this
In some cases when you push you might have to sign up . Remember : when pushing your network should be working
For the next times you just need to remember these commands in this order
git add .
git commit -m "your message"
git push origin master
- Some other useful commands are :
git log #tells the log of your commits
git status # used to know the status of the files being tracked or not
17 . Thank you .