Organization of files:
- Folder name: Paper 1
- Implementation of "Design of Blockchain Lottery for Thai Government" extension (link: .
- Files: Lottery_Thai.sol, test_data.txt
- Folder name: Paper 2
- Implementation of "Lottery DApp from Multi-Randomness Extraction" extension (link:
- Files: Lottery_Dapp.sol, test_data.txt
Install ganache:
- Download from:
- (for windows:) Download Ganache-2.1.1-win-setup.exe
- Install and run.
- Once ganache GUI is running go to
- setting (setting button) -> CHAIN -> set gas limit 10000000
- setting (setting button) -> ACCOUNTS & KEYS -> set the mnemonic "wine school heavy thought bomb awkward acquire urban bulk aware high true"
- Restart ganache (by pressing the restrat button on top right)
Go to
- Load the files.
- For paper 1: Lottery_Thai.sol
- For paper 2: Lottery_Dapp.sol
- Set the compiler version to version:0.4.26+commit.4563c3fc
- For paper 1: select the Lottery_Thai.sol file first. Next, set "lottery name" and press the Start to compile button in remix.
- Once the compilation is done, switch to Run tab in remix.
- In the run tab:
- Environment: Web3 Provider
- A pop up will appear, select ok.
- Set Web3 Provider Endpoint: http://localhost:7545 (it will connect remix with ganache)
- Gas limit: set 10000000.
- Then select the Election contract from the drop down option and press deploy.
- (For paper 2) Select the Lottery_Dapp.sol file first. Then set "lottery Name" during deployment
- Once deployed all the functions of the smart contract will become visible under "Deployed Contracts".
- Environment: Web3 Provider
- Load the files.
- Open the "test_data" file.
- Use the provided data in order to test the execution.
- Copy and paste the data provided for each function to the deployed functiones in remix (inside the Lottery_Thai contract under "Deployed Contracts").
- For lottery buyers use the registerd accounts (by switching the accounts under Run tab in remix).
- To get the execution cost:
- From ganache: Switch to Transactions tab and see "GAS USED"
- Open the "test_data" file.
- Use the provided data in order to test the execution.
- Copy and paste the data provided for each function to the deployed functiones in remix (inside the Lotter_Dapp contract under "Deployed Contracts").
- For lottery buyers use the registerd accounts (by switching the accounts under Run tab in remix).
- To get the execution cost:
- From ganache: Switch to Transactions tab and see "GAS USED"
Environment: java 9.0.1 above
Open terminal or command prompt
Compile the code: In the folder directory: javac *.java
3.Run the code: In the folder directory: java Test (number of participate)
- Get the output
NIST Python files are from: