App for creating events using blockchain technologies
App for managing events, where you can create your own company and make events that people will be able to buy tickets for. App is using blockchain technologies to deliver you the ticket service. Each ticket is ERC721 contract that provides full ownership of ticket and abillity to send it to someone else.
- Backend: NodeJS, Express, KNEX
- Database: Postgresql
- Smart contracts: Solidity
- Frontend: React, TypeScript, SASS, MUI
- Bundler: Vite
- Server-API: REST and JSON-API specifications, MVC pattern
- Database-API: builder pattern
- Styles: BEM specification
- Authentication: Web3 Auth
- Creating companies
- Creating events from the name of company
- Leaving comments under events
- Push and email notifications
- Buy ticket for cryptocurrency and obtain NFT's
- AI generation for event banner
- Incredible loaders, slow down your network just to face this beauty
- Google API - for maps
- Metamask + ethers.js for handling cryptocurrency transactions
- OpenAI API - for generating banner of the event
- INFURA API - for uploading banner and NFT metadata to IPFS
- Mailgun - for email notifications
start postgresql server and create empty data base
# you can use docker compose file from the repo
- docker compose up -d
- Deploy TokenFactory.sol from the contracts folder. (You can use Remix or whatever IDE you like)
- Create .env file for backend and for frontend. Check .env.example in each folder.
yarn packages
cd server && yarn migrate
# start in different terminals or in daemon mode
yarn dev:client #for developing mode
yarn dev:server #for developing mode