Is a tui tool which can be used to explore production claims for a firebase authentication. A common use case I've notices is that people have to use firebase provided cli to manually check what claims are applied to a specific user at a point of time.
Instead of a cli, this aims to be a easy to use TUI to explore a firebase auth database with the intent to view the custom claims for a user.
A tui application to manage claims in your firebase app
A tui application to manage claims in your firebase app
-c, --config string Pass config file from firebase admin
-h, --help help for firebase-claims-exporer
Runs tui app to list users and view claims
Runs tui app to list users and view claims
firebase-claims-exporer explore [flags]
-h, --help help for explore
-c, --config string Pass config file from firebase admin
Used to seed firebase with random users.
Used to seed firebase with random users.
firebase-claims-exporer seed [flags]
-h, --help help for seed
-s, --size int Number of users to seed. Default is 10. (default 10)
-c, --config string Pass config file from firebase admin
- Cache user database locally for quick searching
- Pagination