- This is a simple implementation of the popular 2048 game in Java, designed to run in a terminal or console environment no GUI is used here.
- Compile the Java source code provided in the
javac Runner.java
- Run the game using the compiled class.
java Runner
The game has a 4*4 matrix and initially, 2 tiles are provided with random values (either 2 or 4).
The game board will be displayed, and you can use the W/S/A/D keys for movement (Up, Down, Left, Right). The objective is to reach the 2048 tile.
After each move, a new tile (either 2 or 4) will appear on the board. Tiles with the same value will merge when they collide by moving in the same direction. the value of the tiles is added as a score.
Your score will be displayed on the screen, and the game will continue until you reach the 2048 tile (Win) or there are no more valid moves (Game Over).
- To win the game, reach the 2048 tile. Upon reaching this milestone, you'll be greeted with a "You Win" message and your final score.
- win
- The game concludes when there are no more valid moves left, and the board is filled with tiles. You'll be notified of a "Game Over" along with your final score.
- game over
The game logic is implemented in Java and can be found in the Runner.java file.
The code provides a simple text-based interface for gameplay.
While the code includes functionality for movement with the W/S/A/D keys for movement (Up, Down, Left, Right) for arrow key input, it is currently commented out.
You can uncomment and adapt it and implement the functionality.
You are welcome to expand and enhance this code to add additional features or customize the game further.
Feel free to modify and enhance this code as required to match your preferences or project specifications. Enjoy playing 2048!
Happy learning :).