Learnt what MongoDB is and can do
Atlas, MongoDB as a service
Installed Compass, connected to MongoDB
Databases, Collections, and Documents
Databases contain collections
Access by: database.collection
Schema, datatypes, Scalar value types and ranges for a field
Nested fields
Documents in fields, arrays in fields
Filter queuries and JSON Documents
Fields, having two parts: key (string) and value
{'end station name': 'Broadway'}
{'birth year': {$gte: 1985,$lt: 1990}}
{coordinates: {$geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [ [ -66.46872628141023, 18.15077441048423 ], 0.015283221050021297 ]}}}
JSON Documents support any level of heirarchy that is appropriate to your application's data model
MongoDB's query language, indexes, and internal data structures are designed to support a wide variety of data models
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations
Used the Mongo shell which provides full support for the query language
Installed MongoDB as a service (Enterprise)
Connected to a cluster
Give it a list of all servers on the cluster
Replica sets
Only primary's can accept writes, there is only one primary for a cluster
Created a cluster on AWS
Sanbox cluster will allow writes
Connected to my own sandbox atlas cluster it from shell
Connected to sandbox from compass
Created collection and documents from shell and compass
insert1 ( db.moviesScratch.insertOne({title: "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan", year: 1982, imdb: "tt0084726"}) ) to add a document to sandbox from shell
insertmany (Lot of noise in the data or errors, might result in exceptions)
Use unordered
Search for array element at index 1 (second position) {"genres.1": "Western"}
it, short for iterate, gives the next 20 results in the set.
Include titles db.movieDetails.find({"genres": ["Family"]}, {title: 1})
db.movieDetails.find({"genres": ["Family"]}, {title: 1, _id: 0})
In RDB, all records must have same set of columns
In MongoDB, we don't include the field for a record where we don't have the data
To update, $set. All key values in the update document are reflected in the new version of the document we are updating. If there were an existing field, it would overwrite it.
Other updateOne operators: $unset, $min, $inc, $push, $each
upsert: True, Update documents matching the filter, if there are none, insert the update document as a new document in the collection
Used to make sure we don't enter duplicate values
Deeper Dive on the MongoDB Query Language Query operators: element operators, logical operators, array operators, and the regex operator
Query operators: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/query/
db.movieDetails.find({runtime: {$gte: 90, $lte: 120}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, runtime: 1}).count()
$ne: not equal to
$in: in the array
{rated: {$in: ["PG", "R"]}}
$exist, $type
Logical Operators: $or, $and, $not, $nor
Takes in an array as an argument
Any one of the values in the array apply to the argument
$and used for situations where we need to specify multiple criteria on the same field
db.shipwrecks.find({$and: [{watlev: "always dry"}, {depth: 0}]}).count()
- db.movieDetails.find({genres: {$all: ["Comedy", "Crime", "Drama"]}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, genres: 1}).pretty()
db.movieDetails.find({boxOffice: {$elemMatch: {"country": "Germany", "revenue": {$gt: 17}}}}).count()
Match fields in a array in a document based on a criteria