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Mongo DB Notes


  • Learnt what MongoDB is and can do

  • Atlas, MongoDB as a service

  • Installed Compass, connected to MongoDB

  • Databases, Collections, and Documents

  • Databases contain collections

  • Access by: database.collection

  • Schema, datatypes, Scalar value types and ranges for a field

  • Nested fields

  • Documents in fields, arrays in fields

  • Filter queuries and JSON Documents

  • Fields, having two parts: key (string) and value

  • {'end station name': 'Broadway'}

  • {'birth year': {$gte: 1985,$lt: 1990}}

  • {coordinates: {$geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [ [ -66.46872628141023, 18.15077441048423 ], 0.015283221050021297 ]}}}

  • JSON Documents support any level of heirarchy that is appropriate to your application's data model

  • MongoDB's query language, indexes, and internal data structures are designed to support a wide variety of data models

The MongoDB Query Language + Atlas

  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations

  • Used the Mongo shell which provides full support for the query language

  • Installed MongoDB as a service (Enterprise)

  • Connected to a cluster

  • Give it a list of all servers on the cluster

  • Replica sets

  • Only primary's can accept writes, there is only one primary for a cluster

  • Created a cluster on AWS

  • Sanbox cluster will allow writes

  • Connected to my own sandbox atlas cluster it from shell

  • Connected to sandbox from compass

  • Created collection and documents from shell and compass

  • insert1 ( db.moviesScratch.insertOne({title: "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan", year: 1982, imdb: "tt0084726"}) ) to add a document to sandbox from shell

  • insertmany (Lot of noise in the data or errors, might result in exceptions)

  • Use unordered

  • Search for array element at index 1 (second position) {"genres.1": "Western"}

  • Cursors

  • it, short for iterate, gives the next 20 results in the set.

  • Projections

  • Include titles db.movieDetails.find({"genres": ["Family"]}, {title: 1})

  • db.movieDetails.find({"genres": ["Family"]}, {title: 1, _id: 0})

  • In RDB, all records must have same set of columns

  • In MongoDB, we don't include the field for a record where we don't have the data

  • To update, $set. All key values in the update document are reflected in the new version of the document we are updating. If there were an existing field, it would overwrite it.

  • Other updateOne operators: $unset, $min, $inc, $push, $each

  • upsert: True, Update documents matching the filter, if there are none, insert the update document as a new document in the collection

  • Used to make sure we don't enter duplicate values

  • replaceOne:

Query Operators

  • Deeper Dive on the MongoDB Query Language Query operators: element operators, logical operators, array operators, and the regex operator

  • Query operators:

  • db.movieDetails.find({runtime: {$gte: 90, $lte: 120}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, runtime: 1}).count()

  • $ne: not equal to

  • $in: in the array

  • {rated: {$in: ["PG", "R"]}}

  • $exist, $type

  • Logical Operators: $or, $and, $not, $nor

  • Takes in an array as an argument

  • Any one of the values in the array apply to the argument

  • $and used for situations where we need to specify multiple criteria on the same field

  • db.shipwrecks.find({$and: [{watlev: "always dry"}, {depth: 0}]}).count()


  • db.movieDetails.find({genres: {$all: ["Comedy", "Crime", "Drama"]}}, {_id: 0, title: 1, genres: 1}).pretty()


  • db.movieDetails.find({boxOffice: {$elemMatch: {"country": "Germany", "revenue": {$gt: 17}}}}).count()

  • Match fields in a array in a document based on a criteria