a ML based pavement crack detection
Positive samples: patch with black pixels (crack) at center
Negative samples: patch with white pixels (non-crack) at center
CNN: multi-label classification
Input : SxS patch around a sample (shape: SxSx3)
Output: structure around the sample in a KxK patch (shape: K^2 )
HOG: binary classification
Input : HOG features from SxS patch around a sample
Output: class label of the sample (crack: c=0, non-crack: c=1)
Use each pixel to generate an input patch
Predict output value for each patch
For HOG:
- if output > 0.5 ==> pixel is crack
- if output < 0.5 ==> pixel is non-crack
For CNN:
- multiple output values (overlapping)
- at each pixel ouput value is affected from KxK surrounding pixels
- summation and normalization ==> probability map
- if pmap > 0.5 ==> pixel is crack
- if pmap < 0.5 ==> pixel is non-crack