Node-Red IOTA library module ( in progress )
Install node-red globally and install ui packages
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
IOTA-lib module installation, in your ~/.node-red installation directory type:
Run the following command in your NODE-RED install npm install node-red-contrib-iota-lib
There are functions node available to do IOTA transactions and MAM Transactions.
iotasearch : to find addresses, tags or bundles in The tangle; iotatransactions: to find hashes in The tangle; iotanewaddress: generate new address from your seed; iotasendtransfer: send iota tokens from your seed to an address; iotagetinputs: to know your balance iota tokens; iotaConverter: to manager trytes and trits conversions;
mamPublish: attach a message in the tangle; mamFetch: sears a mmesage from the tangle;
You can try a test flow from