Current stable version: 2.1.2
Current test version: n.a.
Kodi Forum thread:
XBMCNerds thread (german forum):
- scan your rom folders and import games to local database
- scrape artwork and game info from various online sources
- import local available data (descriptions, artwork, videos)
- results from all selected sources can be mixed together
- three scraping modes: Automatic: Accurate, Automatic: Guess Matches, Interactive: Select Matches
- search games by crc value or gamename (if supported by the scraped site or the local description file format)
- create local nfo files while scraping (option to reimport local files without scraping)
- create scrape result files (missing artwork, missing descriptions, possible mismatches)
- import options dialog: asks for most important import options on every game import
- browse games by console, genre, year, publisher and first character
- automatic video playback in video window
- fullscreen video browser (zap through all selected game videos)
- game details page
- different views of the main window
- configurable image placing (choose filetype for background, gamelist, etc.)
- fully skinnable UI: already skinned for Confluence, Night and Carmichael (other skins will use the Confluence look and feel)
- dedicated MAME views to display cabinets and marquees
- launch roms and standalone games in solo or non-solo mode (solo mode quits XBMC and relaunches it when you quit the emulator)
- supports direct launching of savestate files
- detect games in zip and 7z archives and ask user which game to load
- create xbox cut files on the fly
- store game launch count in db
- restore viewstate when returning to RCB
RCB scrapes data from these sites (don't forget to visit, register and contribute!):
- - game data + artwork (boxfront, boxback, fanart)
- - game data + artwork (boxfront)
- - game data + artwork (screenshot)
- - game data + artwork (screenshot, boxfront, boxback, cartridge)
- - game data + artwork (action, title, cabinet, marquee, flyer)
Check out the Screenshot gallery