-> Fact Geek is an Android app built using Kotlin, taking into consideration of the "Android Architecture Components". -> The main intent is to provide the user with facts on a simple swipe action. -> The app is based on MVVM Architecture and uses co-routines to execute tasks asynchronously. -> It uses OkHttp to make an API Call to fetch the fact and presents it to the user on a animated gradient background. -> The Animated Gradient Background is inspired by the Instagram's login page and is soothing to the eye with a choice of dark-themed colors. -> The user can Swipe left(implemented as OnSwipeTouchListener) for a new fact and Swipe right to save their fact(Room Database). -> The saved fact can then be viewed in the saved menu which uses a RecyclerView to present the facts. -> Each fact can further be shared(Android ShareSheet), copied to clipboard or deleted. -> Additionally the user is presented with the Instructions on the first startup of the app
Get the app -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZmJ5LdyJILkJ71Sxci498tyAHBJUpYMH/view?usp=sharing