The project came about with the mission of bringing a tribute to educators in Brazil, through a platform that connects students and teachers.
Made in the week #nextlevelweek02 available by @rocketseat
Teachers can register on the web platform using a form:
- Complete name;
- Avatar's link;
- WhatsApp;
- Description;
- Subject;
- Cost by hour;
- Available times.
Students can search for teachers and:
- Filter by: subject, day of the week and time;
- Send WhatsApp message to the teacher.
# Clone the repository
$ git clone
# Access the project folder at the command prompt
$ cd next-level-week-proffy
# Access the front-end folder at the command prompt
$ cd web
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn
# Run the "dev" script
$ yarn dev
# The project will start at the door: 3000 - access http://localhost:3000
# Clone the repository
$ git clone
# Access the project folder at the command prompt
$ cd next-level-week-proffy
# Access the mobile folder at the command prompt
$ cd mobile
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn
# Run the "dev" script
$ yarn start
# EXPO will start at port: 19002 - go to http://localhost:19002, if it doesn't open automatically
# Download and open the Expo client on your phone via the app store
# Point to the QRCODE and wait for the installation.
# Clonethe repository
$ git clone
# Access the project folder at the command prompt
$ cd next-level-week-proffy
# Access the server folder at the command prompt
$ cd server
# Install the dependencies
$ yarn
# Before creating the database migrate, you must have Docker on your machine with a PostGres instance, using the .env.example file (after filling only .env) configure with the credentials, after that run:
$ yarn dev knex:migrate
# Run the "dev" script
$ yarn dev
# The backend will start at port: 3333 - use http://localhost:3333 in INSOMINIA, inside the SERVER folder there is a JSON file with the route settings for INSOMNIA. The API is necessary for the correct functioning of the application.
I thank @rocketseat for the opportunity, which made me open my mind to the Front-end, I really enjoyed this second experience and I will continue studying React and ReactNative. Thank you ♥
This project is under license GNU