Create OpenConfig-Netconf NED in NSO using Openconfig yang files and implement a netsim device in NSO based on OpenConfig YANG modules.
1- Download and install Cisco NSO from --!getting-and-installing-nso follow the guidelines as described in the document.
Some additional helping packages which are good to have are as below..
2- Download and install Confd from Tail-f portal.
3- Download and install pioneer package from
there are some issues with this.
*Also, as per Tail-F document on 'how to work with NSO' ---- Whitepapers Tail-f interoperability with NSO --------- “Building and Installing a NED using the NETCONF NED Builder” describes how to build a NETCONF NED for managing the connected devices. It is important to note that the NETCONF NED Builder is now a built-in feature of NSO starting with NSO 5.2 and it replaces the need for installing the Pioneer package as was previously required and discussed in an earlier version of this guide.
4- The process to create OpenConfig based NED is explained here -
this process doesn't create the netsim direcotry so, you can't generate any netsim devices based on this.
*Also, even if you create netsim directory by going straight for ncs-make-package command, even then it's giving errors related to the netsim folder not being present.