Deployment URL:
npm i
to install dependencies.npm run dev
to start the live development server.
- Ability to search for a city, calls the OpenWeather API with Axios.
- Find the user's location via the Geolocation API.
- The ability to save locations, they are saved in a Pinia store and they persist in the website's cookies using "pinia-plugin-persistedstate".
- Loading animations.
- Animated SVG icons.
- Draggable forecast carrousel slider.
- Ability to remove saved locations.
- Search auto-focuses on page load.
- Button to clear the search input quickly.
The free api plan didnt have access to the previous weather for the day so instead I changed the section to "Forecast" which shows the weather every 3 hours for 24 hours.
API was not returning the desired format so I had to use some methods from the JS "Math" object to round decimal numbers.
I had to create a function that checks if a location has already been saved in the store so that we couldn't create duplicates.
Created a fallback for devices that don't support mouse hover to remove locations.