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Conformance Reports

How this folder is structured

This folder stores all the conformance reports, for all the Gateway API Versions and is structured as follows:

|-- conformance/reports
|   |-- v1.0
|   |   |-- acme-operator
|   |   |   |--
|   |   |   |-- standard-v2.13-default-report.yaml
|   |-- v1.1
|   |   |-- acme-operator
|   |   |   |--
|   |   |   |-- standard-v2.14-default-report.yaml
|   |   |   |-- standard-v2.14-with-the-lot-report.yaml
|   |   |   |-- experimental-v2.14-with-the-lot-report.yaml
|   |   |-- umbrella-operator
|   |   |   |--
|   |   |   |-- standard-v1.8-default-report.yaml


As represented above, each Gateway API version contains a set of folders, one for each conformant implementation. The implementation is the owner of its folder and can upload as many reports as it want and a mandatory structured as follows:

# Acme operator

General information about the Acme/operator project

## Table of contents

| API channel | Implementation version | Mode | Report |
|             |                        |      |        |
|             |                        |      |        |
|             |                        |      |        |

## Reproduce

Instructions on how to reproduce the claimed report.

Table of Contents

The table of contents is supposed to contain one row for each submitted report and is structured as follows:

  • API channel: the channel of the Gateway API (standard or experimental). It MUST correspond to the gatewayAPIChannel field of the related report.
  • Implementation version: the link to the GitHub/website page related to the release. The release value MUST always be a semver and correspond to the implementation.version field of the report.
  • Mode: the operating mode of the implementation (the default is standard). It MUST correspond to the mode field specified in the related report. In case a mode different from default is declared in a report, the implementation needs to add information in the "reproduce" section (see below) on how to configure such a mode.
  • Report: the link to the related report. It MUST be in the form of [link](./report.yaml). The reports must be named according to the following pattern: <API Channel>-<Implementation version>-<mode>-report.yaml.


The "Reproduce" sections MUST exist and contain the manual or automatic steps to reproduce the results claimed by the uploaded conformance reports. In case different implementation versions have different reproduction steps, this section can have multiple sub-sections, each related to a specific or a subset of implementation versions.

Rules exceptions

This structure was introduced after the Gateway API release v1.0.0, while we started gathering and storing conformance reports since Gateway API v0.7.1. Even if this structure has been applied to all the Gateway API versions, it has been done in a best-effort manner, without forcing the rules described above retroactively. This is inevitable also because the mode and gatewayAPIChannel fields of the reports have been introduced after v1.0.0. For these reasons, all the folders related to Gateway API v1.0.0 or prior benefits from the following rules' exceptions:

  • The fields API channel and Mode of the's Table of Contents are replaced by an "x".
  • The reports are named according to the pattern <Implementation version>-report.yaml.
  • The implementation version can be different from a semver (for example, they can be commit hashes or pull request links).
  • The "Reproduce" section is optional; implementations can decide whether to provide reproduction steps for those versions.


The reports MUST be uploaded exactly as they have been created by the conformance suite, without any modifications. The "Reproduce" section allows checking any diff between the claimed report and the actual one.

Reports rules

To be accepted, the reports uploaded after the Gateway API v1.1.0 release must comply with the following rules:

  • All the implementation-related fields must have a meaningful value assigned, in detail:
    • organization: can be an open source organization, an individual, a company, etc. Organizations can have multiple projects.
    • project: the name of the project. It must be unique within the same organization.
    • contact: it indicates the GitHub usernames of those who are responsible for maintaining this file, so they can be easily contacted when needed (e.g. for relevant release announcements regarding conformance, etc.). Optionally, it can be an email address or a support URL (e.g. Github new issue page).
    • url: it must be a valid url for a GitHub repository, or any other website with information related to the project.
    • version: it must be a semver.
  • gatewayAPIVersion: it must contain the version of the Gateway API used to run the conformance tests.
  • gatewayAPIChannel: it must contain the channel of the Gateway API used to run the conformance tests (standard/experimental).
  • mode: it is the mode of the implementation used to run the tests. If different from default, it must correspond to a specific setup of the implementation.
  • Test result: in order to have a report valid to be accepted, all the profiles need to have the result fields (core and extended) set to success. It means that all the core conformance tests have been successfully run as well as all the tests related to the supported extended features. No reports with partial or failing results can be accepted.