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Setting up IMACS Approx_IBC in Linux

Approximation Trade Offs in an Image Based Control System. Tested using the following versions. If you would like to use latest versions, you might have to edit the syntax of some functions.

If you are using this simulator in any form in your work, please cite:

S. De, S. Mohamed, K. Bimpisidis, D. Goswami, T. Basten and H. Corporaal, "Approximation Trade Offs in an Image-Based Control System," 2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Grenoble, France, 2020, pp. 1680-1685, doi: 10.23919/DATE48585.2020.9116552.

S. De, S. Mohamed, D. Goswami and H. Corporaal, "Approximation-Aware Design of an Image-Based Control System," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 174568-174586, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3023047.

Tested with the following versions:

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04
  • g++ (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 7.4.0
  • llvm: clang+llvm-6.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04.tar.xz
  • Halide: checkout branch 810a14b1cef3eb99c4051a2a7ca0c50a9872c37c
  1. Install dependent libraries
  2. Install Halide
  3. Install OpenCV
  4. Install Eigen
  5. Install VREP
  6. Run IMACS

Initially, clone this repository:

git clone
cd approx_ibc

For brevity, $(root)=pwd, i.e. the path to approx_ibc is called as $(root) or $(IMACSROOT).

1-5 Dependencies

1. Dependent libraries

The following libraries might be needed for successful execution.

sudo apt-get install libtinfo-dev
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
sudo apt-get install jasper
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libavcodec-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libavformat-dev
sudo apt-get install libavutil-dev
sudo apt-get install libswscale-dev
sudo apt-get install valgrind
# For openCV installation
sudo apt-get install cmake
# LibRAW for reversible pipeline
sudo apt-get install -y libraw-dev
## qt4
sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev

2. Installing Halide

If already installed, only export the paths of Halide/bin and Halide/distrib/bin to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Note that for our framework, we use a specific checkout version git checkout 810a14b1cef3eb99c4051a2a7ca0c50a9872c37c. If you are using the latest version, you may have to adapt the syntax in the source files.

For more details,

If not already installed, follow the steps below.

Building Halide

2.1 Dependencies for Halide

  1. Install CLANG + LLVM
  2. Make in HALIDE_PATH
  3. Install Halide

2.1.1 CLANG + LLVM

Have clang+llvm-6.0.0 installed. If already installed, you only need to export the paths CLANG and LLVM_CONFIG.

  1. Download the Pre-Built Binary corresponding to your OS from Recommended version: LLVM 6.0.0
  2. Extract the downloaded file into the folder llvm in $(root)/externalApps. If this folder does not exist mkdir externalApps.
cd $(root)/externalApps
mkdir llvm
tar -xvf clang+llvm-6.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04.tar.xz -C llvm --strip-components=1
#export CLANG=<path to clang>/bin/clang
export CLANG=$(root)/externalApps/llvm/bin/clang
#export LLVM_CONFIG=<path to llvm>/bin/llvm-config
export LLVM_CONFIG=$(root)/externalApps/llvm/bin/llvm-config

Alternately, these paths can be added to the /etc/environment file.

sudo gedit /etc/environment

Add these lines to the end of this file, save and close the file. As an example,

# root = /home/sajid/Desktop/IMACS_cppVrep

source the paths for this to take effect.

source /etc/environment

If you do not have sudo rights, please follow the steps in FAQ 4.

2.1.2 Building Halide with make

With LLVM_CONFIG set (or llvm-config in your path), you should be able to just run make in the root directory of the Halide source tree. We checkout a specific version as the syntax of codes in Approx_IBC is based on this version.

cd $(root)/externalApps
git clone
cd Halide
git checkout 810a14b1cef3eb99c4051a2a7ca0c50a9872c37c
gedit Makefile

Append -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 to lines 95 and 222 (there is a space in front) to the Makefile. This appends the flag -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 to LLVM_CXX_FLAGS and TEST_CXX_FLAGS. Save and close the Makefile. The lines will then look like the following: line 95- LLVM_CXX_FLAGS += -DLLVM_VERSION=$(LLVM_VERSION_TIMES_10) -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0; line 222- TEST_CXX_FLAGS ?= $(TUTORIAL_CXX_FLAGS) $(CXX_WARNING_FLAGS) -march=native -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0.

Save and then Run the Makefile. This should not result in any errors.


A successful installation means all the tests are passed.

2.1.3 Installing Halide

Halide does not have a make install. To install we use the following command.

make distrib

This will copy files to the distrib folder. Export the Halide bin to the library path.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(ROOT)/externalApps/Halide/distrib/bin:$(ROOT)/externalApps/Halide/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

3. Installing OpenCV

If opencv is already installed, make sure opencv.pc file is in the /usr/lib/pkgconfig or change the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to this file.

If not installed, follow the OpenCV installation steps from

Required Packages:

  • GCC 4.4.x or later
  • CMake 2.8.7 or higher
  • Git
  • GTK+2.x or higher, including headers (libgtk2.0-dev)
  • pkg-config
  • Python 2.6 or later and Numpy 1.5 or later with developer packages (python-dev, python-numpy)
  • ffmpeg or libav development packages: libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev, libswscale-dev
  • [optional] libtbb2 libtbb-dev
  • [optional] libdc1394 2.x
  • [optional] libjpeg-dev, libpng-dev, libtiff-dev, libjasper-dev, libdc1394-22-dev
  • [optional] CUDA Toolkit 6.5 or higher

3.1 Install ccache

sudo apt install -y ccache
sudo /usr/sbin/update-ccache-symlinks
echo 'export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH"' | tee -a ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc && echo $PATH

3.2 Install java

If not already installed, you can follow the steps from here:

In case there is an error: unable to locate *.jar

sudo apt install default-jre
sudo apt install default-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
sudo update-alternatives --config java

Choose the correct jdk version. jre does not have tools.jar Update the JAVA_HOME path

sudo gedit /etc/environment

At the end of this file, add the following line, making sure to replace the path with your own copied path:


Modifying this file will set the JAVA_HOME path for all users on your system. Save the file and exit the editor.

Now reload this file to apply the changes to your current session:

source /etc/environment

3.3 Getting OpenCV Source Code

cd $(root)/externalApps
git clone
git clone

3.4 Building OpenCV from Source Using CMake

cd opencv
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install

4. Install eigen

cd $(root)/externalApps
git clone

5. Install Vrep

cd $(root)/externalApps

Download the linux version from

mkdir vrep
tar -xvf CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_0_0_Ubuntu18_04.tar.xz -C vrep --strip-components=1

Generally for local tar file:

tar -xvf FILENAME -C FOLDER --strip-components=1

The --strip-components flag is used when a tar file would naturally expand itself into a folder, let say, like github where it examples to repo-name-master folder. Of course you wouldn’t need the first level folder generated here so --strip-components set to 1 would automatically remove that first folder for you. The larger the number is set the deeper nested folders are removed.

6. Running IMACS

6.1 Change hardcoded paths

Please change paths to your own system in the following files

  1. Change the IMACSROOT, HALIDE_PATH and OPENCV_PATH in both Makefiles to the corresponding PATH in your system.
  2. If the external applications Halide, vrep, eigen or opencv are installed to another directory than the $(IMACSROOT)/externalApps, change the corresponding HALIDE_PATH, OPENCV_PATH, EIGEN_PATH, and VREP_PATH in to the corresponding PATH in your system.

To obtain the path, you could run pwd in a terminal opened from the corresponding folder. 3. Change line 89 of lane_detection.cpp to string out_string = "$(IMACSROOT)/out_imgs"; where $(IMACSROOT) is your actual path. 4. Change line 143 of image_signal_processing.cpp to "$(IMACSROOT)/src/ReversiblePipeline/camera_models/NikonD7000/"; where $(IMACSROOT) is your actual path. 5. Change line 77 of image_signal_processing.cpp to string out_string = "$(IMACSROOT)/out_imgs"; where $(IMACSROOT) is your actual path.

6.2 Make IMACS

Generate the Makefile using qmake.


When you want to run make in $(IMACSROOT) always run qmake first. make clean cleans the file generated by this make. make distclean cleans all the generated files by IMACS.

6.3 Start a vrep scene

Open a vrep-scene. Vrep needs to be started before running IMACS framework.

./ ../../vrep-scenes/SmallBias_report.ttt

If you are using an older version of vrep ( is not found), please use the following command:

./ ../../vrep-scenes/EnterCurveTest.ttt

6.4 Run IMACS (in a new terminal)

# Usage: ./imacs {pipeline_version} {simstep}
# Minimum one argument needed. (default values) ./imacs 1 0.005
./imacs 1

There might be some dialog windows opening in VREP if you are running it for the first time. This is normal.

You do not have to always close vrep to run imacs again. Just stop simulation in vrep and wait for sometime before executing ./imacs 1 0.005.

In case you encounter some other errors, you can debug using the following command:

valgrind ./imacs 1

6.2 - 6.4 Alternatively: run bash script


You can change the commands in this file to run automatically.


1. If you encounter the following errors: i) error: cannot be found; ii) -lopencv cannot be found.

Make sure all the export paths are present in /etc/environment. Then,

source /etc/environment

The Halide path should be shown. If not shown, close the current terminal and open a new terminal and source path again.

2. When running make in $(IMACSROOT): the following warnings (many) are also observed by us and is normal. We are working on improving this in a later version.

matrix.hpp [-Wreorder]
GivensQR.hpp [-Wreorder]
halide_benchmark.h [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
Halide.h [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
extApiPlatform.c [-Wunused-result]

If you receive the following error, wait for some time before running the command ./imacs 1 If that does not work, close and reopen vrep.

imacs: /home/sajid/Desktop/cppvrepimacs/src/cpp_vrep_api/my_vrep_api.cpp:59: vrepAPI::vrepAPI(): Assertion `m_clientID != -1 && "V-REP must be started: ./ ../../vrep-scenes/EnterCurveTest.ttt"' failed.

3. Exporting paths permanently with sudo rights

To set paths globally if you have sudo rights:

sudo gedit /etc/environment

At the end of this file, add the following line, making sure to replace the path with your own copied path:


If there were already variables present with the same name, append the above variables with a :. Modifying this file will set the variables for all users on your system. Save the file and exit the editor. Now reload this file to apply the changes to your current session:

source /etc/environment

4. Exporting paths without sudo rights

If you want to export paths permanently, Open a terminal window using Ctrl+Alt+T Run the command

gedit ~/.profile

Add the line(s) to the bottom of this file and save.

#export CLANG=<path to llvm>/bin/clang
#export LLVM_CONFIG=<path to llvm>/bin/llvm-config
export CLANG=/home/sajid/Desktop/cppvrepimacs/externalApps/llvm/bin/clang
export LLVM_CONFIG=/home/sajid/Desktop/cppvrepimacs/externalApps/llvm/bin/llvm-config
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/home/sajid/Desktop/cppvrepimacs/externalApps/Halide/bin:/home/sajid/Desktop/cppvrepimacs/externalApps/Halide/distrib/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Log out and log in again. A safer way is to use quotes. Doing so is necessary if one or more directories in the original PATH contain spaces. E.g.:

export CLANG="$(root)/clang+llvm-9.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04/bin/clang"

Alternatively, you can set the paths in and then source paths


5. The simulation time is hardcoded to 15 in src/cpp_vrep_api/cpp_vrep_framework.cpp. This may result in erroneous behaviour after the simulation exceeds this time.

Change line 11 in src/cpp_vrep_api/cpp_vrep_framework.cpp if you want to simulate for a longer time, i.e. int simulation_time = 100; if you want to logically simulate for 100 sec.


Sayandip De
Sajid Mohamed