All data processing was implemented under Linux environment with standard GNU coreutils tools. Additional required software:
- kallisto
- R-3.2.3
- Transcripts in fasta format for hg19/grch37(
- Annotation mart_export.GRCh37.txt to link ensembl transcripts to gene name with the appropropriate attributes. Header line edited to replace whitespace with underscore and parenthesis remove.
Transcript expressions were assessed by aligning RNA-Seq against the reference transcripts from Ensembl using Kallisto
First reference sequences were indexed:
kallisto index -i Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.cdna.all.idx Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.cdna.all.fa.gz
Transcript quantitation was obtained for each library as follows:
kallisto quant --bias -i Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.cdna.all.idx -o ${x}.tx <(zcat $fq1) <(zcat $fq2)
Where $fq1
and $fq2
are fastq file for the two mates of each pair and ${x}
is the base-name for the output file.
To generate a table of transcripts quantification:
tx<- fread(' -H -i ear04*.tx_quant.tsv -r "\\..*" -id "library_id"') # ear04*.tx_quant.tsv are obtained from the kallisto alignment after renaming
ann<- fread('zcat mart_export.GRCh37.txt.gz')
tx[, Ensembl_Transcript_ID := sub('\\..*', '', target_id)]
tx<- merge(tx, ann[], by= 'Ensembl_Transcript_ID')
## Keep only regular chroms and rename to UCSC format.
## Note this will make the sum(TPM) < 1e6
tx<- tx[Chromosome_Name %in% c(1:22, 'MT', 'X', 'Y')]
tx[, chrom := ifelse(Chromosome_Name %in% c(1:22, 'X', 'Y'), paste0('chr', Chromosome_Name), Chromosome_Name)]
tx[ , chrom := ifelse(Chromosome_Name == 'MT', 'chrM', chrom)]
stopifnot(unique(sort(tx$chrom)) == c("chr1", "chr10", "chr11", "chr12", "chr13", "chr14", "chr15", "chr16", "chr17", "chr18", "chr19", "chr2", "chr20", "chr21", "chr22", "chr3", "chr4", "chr5", "chr6", "chr7", "chr8", "chr9", "chrM", "chrX", "chrY"))
tx[, Strand := ifelse(Strand == 1, '+', '-')]
## Note Change to bed coords!!
tx[, Transcript_Start_bp := Transcript_Start_bp-1]
tx[, Gene_Start_bp := Gene_Start_bp-1]
## Table logFC
## ===========
txLfc<- tx[library_id %in% c("ear047_F3", "ear049_M3")], Ensembl_Transcript_ID ~ library_id, value.var= 'tpm')
## Note using unique(..., by= NULL)!!!
txLfc<- merge(txLfc,
unique(tx[, list(Ensembl_Transcript_ID, chrom, Transcript_Start_bp, Transcript_End_bp, Associated_Gene_Name, Strand)], by= NULL),
by= 'Ensembl_Transcript_ID')
txLfc[, tpmLog2FC := log2((ear047_F3 + 0.01) / (ear049_M3 + 0.01))]
txLfc$tpmLog2Avg<- log2(rowMeans(txLfc[, list(ear047_F3, ear049_M3)]) + 0.01)
txLfc[, promStart := ifelse(Strand == '+', Transcript_Start_bp-1000, Transcript_End_bp)]
txLfc[, promEnd := promStart + 1000]
write.table(file= 'tx_quant_lfc.bed',
txLfc[, list(chrom, promStart, promEnd, Ensembl_Transcript_ID, Associated_Gene_Name, Strand, Transcript_Start_bp, Transcript_End_bp, tpmLog2FC, tpmLog2Avg, ear047_F3, ear049_M3)][order(chrom, Transcript_Start_bp, Transcript_End_bp)],
row.names= FALSE, quote= FALSE, sep= '\t')
tx<- fread('tx_quant_lfc.bed')
gxPlus<- tx[Strand == '+', list(
chrom= min(chrom),
promStart= min(promStart),
Strand= min(Strand),
ear047_F3= sum(ear047_F3),
ear049_M3= sum(ear049_M3)), by= list(Associated_Gene_Name)]
gxMinus<- tx[Strand == '-', list(
chrom= min(chrom),
promStart= max(promStart),
Strand= min(Strand),
ear047_F3= sum(ear047_F3),
ear049_M3= sum(ear049_M3)), by= list(Associated_Gene_Name)]
gx<- rbindlist(list(gxPlus, gxMinus))
gx[, promEnd := promStart + 1000]
gx[, tpmLog2FC := log2((ear047_F3 + 0.01) / (ear049_M3 + 0.01))]
gx$tpmLog2Avg<- rowMeans(gx[, list(log2(ear047_F3 + 0.01), log2(ear049_M3 + 0.01))])
gx<- gx[, list(chrom, promStart, promEnd, Associated_Gene_Name, Strand, ear047_F3, ear049_M3, tpmLog2FC, tpmLog2Avg)][order(chrom, promStart, promEnd)]
xdata2 <- gx[Associated_Gene_Name == "ATRX"]
tab2 <- xdata2[, list(Associated_Gene_Name = Associated_Gene_Name, ear047_F3.log = log2(ear047_F3 + 0.01), ear049_M3.log = log2(ear049_M3 + 0.01))]
tab.summary2 <- reshape2::melt(tab2, id.vars = "Associated_Gene_Name", = "sample", = "expression")
tab.summary2[, sample2 := factor(c("Tumour", "Margin"))]
tab.summary2[, sample := NULL]
gg <- ggplot(tab.summary2, aes(x = sample2, y = expression)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
xlab("") +
ylab(expression("log"[2]*"(TPM+0.01)")) +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(size=10), axis.title.y = element_text(size=10)) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(3, 6)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 10, 1))
ggsave("figure/ATRX.expression.ylim3_6.png", width = 4.25/2.54, height = 4.75/2.54)