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creating a sequence

scanner-darkly edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 5 revisions


orca's heart is not a conventional sequencer - you can't program your own sequences. instead, you select scale notes and change algorithm parameters, and it will generate a sequence for you.

use the module knob to control the speed, or if your module has a trigger input you can also clock it from an external source. on ansible use buttons to decrease/increase the speed.

unless you are on the presets or i2c pages, the top row is the main menu and is present on every screen. the 2 buttons on the left open mod matrixes 1 and 2 - more on this below. the 2 buttons on the right open delays and i2c pages.

the rest of the buttons select one of the parameters to edit, from left to right:

  • transpose
  • length
  • algo x parameter
  • algo y parameter
  • shift
  • space
  • gate length

all parameter pages have similar structure: the highlighted rows are where you can change the currently selected parameter's value. just press anywhere to change to new value.

there are no rules - all parameters (except gate length) will have some effect on the sequence being generated - the best way is to just try them.

you'll notice that for algo x and algo y you can select in both middle rows - this is so that you can have 128 different variations (which is what the vcvrack module also supports).

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