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Dan Page edited this page Sep 24, 2021 · 14 revisions


  • Although alternatives (e.g., TRS as used by Riscure) are supported in selected cases, by default SCA3S uses Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), specifically HDF5, as an on-disk storage format for trace data sets. Since the front- and back-end infrastructure is written in Python, they make use of the h5py package.

  • The contents of a given trace data set is divided into various classes, which are outlined within the sub-sections below.

Kernel-agnostic datasets

  • trace/trigger:

    • type: an array of shape ( n, m ), each element of which is of a type matching signal_dtype.
    • purpose: fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ i, j ] is the j-th sample (for 0 <= j < m) of a waveform associated with the i-th acquisition (for 0 <= i < n) of the trigger.
  • trace/signal:

    • type: an array of shape ( n, m ), each element of which is of a type matching signal_dtype.
    • purpose: fd[ 'trace/signal' ][ i, j ] is the j-th sample (for 0 <= j < m) of a waveform associated with the i-th acquisition (for 0 <= i < n) of the signal, e.g., the trace of power consumption.
  • crop/trigger:

    • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is a region reference.
    • purpose: fd[ 'crop/trigger' ][ i ] is a region reference which "crops" fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ i ] to a period where the kernel is executed, i.e., the period where fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ i ] is high (or "armed").
  • crop/signal:

    • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is a region reference.
    • purpose: fd[ 'crop/signal' ][ i ] is a region reference which "crops" fd[ 'trace/signal' ][ i ] to a period where the kernel is executed, i.e., the period where fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ i ] is high (or "armed").
  • tvla/lhs:

    • type: an array of shape ( n/2, ), each element of which is of type i8.
    • purpose: for a TLVA-based acquisition policy, this is the set of i for which the i-th acquisition is part of the left-hand set, e.g., "fixed" for a "fixed-vs-random" policy.
  • tvla/rhs:

    • type: an array of shape ( n/2, ), each element of which is of type i8.
    • purpose: for a TLVA-based acquisition policy, this is the set of i for which the i-th acquisition is part of the right-hand set, e.g., "random" for a "fixed-vs-random" policy.
  • perf/cycle:

    • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type <u8.
    • purpose: fd[ 'perf/cycle' ][ i ] records the time taken to execute the kernel (or, more specifically, period where trace/trigger is high) during the i-th acquisition, per the Time Stamp Counter (TSC).
  • perf/duration:

    • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type <f8.
    • purpose: fd[ 'perf/duration' ][ i ] records the time taken to execute the kernel (or, more specifically, period where trace/trigger is high) during the i-th acquisition, per the period where fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ i ] is high (or "armed").

Kernel-agnostic attributes

  • board/kernel_version:

    • type: str.
    • purpose: a version number for the kernel used during acquisition (as reported by ?kernel).
  • board/kernel_id:

    • type: str.
    • purpose: an identifier for the kernel used during acquisition (as reported by ?kernel).
  • board/kernel_id_nameof:

    • type: str.
    • purpose: an identifier for the kernel used during acquisition (as reported by ?kernel).
  • board/kernel_id_modeof:

    • type: str.
    • purpose: an identifier for the kernel used during acquisition (as reported by ?kernel).
  • board/kernel_io:

    • type: str (more specifically, a dict encoded as a str).
    • purpose: a specification for the kernel interface (as reported by >kernel and <kernel).
  • scope/signal_dtype:

    • type: str.
    • purpose: the data type of samples in each waveform.
  • scope/signal_samples:

    • type: <u8.
    • purpose: the number of samples acquired per waveform.
  • scope/signal_resolution:

    • type: <u8.
    • purpose: the acquisition resolution, i.e., number of bits used to represent each sample.
  • scope/signal_interval:

    • type: <f8.
    • purpose: the acquisition interval, i.e., time between samples.
  • scope/signal_duration:

    • type: <f8.
    • purpose: the acquisition duration, i.e., total time.

Kernel-specific datasets

  • aead:

    • data/k:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/k' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the cipher key during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/a:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/a' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the associated data during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/m:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/m' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the plaintext during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/c:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/c' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the ciphertext during the i-th acquisition.

    plus, for each of the above, say t,

    • data/usedof_t:
      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type '<u8'.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/usedof_t' ][ i ] is the used (vs. allocated) size of each fd[ 'data/t' ][ i ]; for fixed-size registers the two are equivalent, but for variable-sized registers use of the region reference avoids any out-of-bounds content.
  • block:

    • data/k:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/k' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the cipher key during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/m:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/m' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the plaintext during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/c:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/c' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the ciphertext during the i-th acquisition.

    plus, for each of the above, say t,

    • data/usedof_t:
      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type '<u8'.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/usedof_t' ][ i ] is the used (vs. allocated) size of each fd[ 'data/t' ][ i ]; for fixed-size registers the two are equivalent, but for variable-sized registers use of the region reference avoids any out-of-bounds content.
  • function:

    • data/x0:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x0' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/x1:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x1' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/x2:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x2' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/x3:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x3' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/x4:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x4' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/x5:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x5' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/x6:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x6' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/x7:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/x7' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an input to r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r0:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r0' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r1:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r1' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r2:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r2' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r3:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r3' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r4:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r4' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r5:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r5' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r6:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r6' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/r7:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/r7' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing an output from r = f( x ) during the i-th acquisition.

    plus, for each of the above, say t,

    • data/usedof_t:
      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type '<u8'.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/usedof_t' ][ i ] is the used (vs. allocated) size of each fd[ 'data/t' ][ i ]; for fixed-size registers the two are equivalent, but for variable-sized registers use of the region reference avoids any out-of-bounds content.
  • hash:

    • data/m:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/m' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the message during the i-th acquisition.
    • data/d:

      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type B.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/d' ][ i ] is a sequence of bytes representing the digest during the i-th acquisition.

    plus, for each of the above, say t,

    • data/usedof_t:
      • type: an array of shape ( n, ), each element of which is of type '<u8'.
      • purpose: fd[ 'data/usedof_t' ][ i ] is the used (vs. allocated) size of each fd[ 'data/t' ][ i ]; for fixed-size registers the two are equivalent, but for variable-sized registers use of the region reference avoids any out-of-bounds content.

Kernel-specific attributes

  • aead:

    • kernel/sizeof_k:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/k' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_a:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/a' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_m:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/m' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_c:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/c' ][ i ].
  • block:

    • kernel/sizeof_k:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/k' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_m:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/m' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_c:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/c' ][ i ].
  • function:

    • kernel/sizeof_x0:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x0' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_x1:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x1' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_x2:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x2' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_x3:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x3' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_x4:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x4' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_x5:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x5' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_x6:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x6' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_x7:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/x7' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r0:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r0' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r1:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r1' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r2:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r2' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r3:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r3' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r4:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r4' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r5:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r5' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r6:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r6' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_r7:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/r7' ][ i ].
  • hash:

    • kernel/sizeof_m:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/m' ][ i ].
    • kernel/sizeof_d:

      • type: <u8.
      • purpose: the allocated size of each fd[ 'data/d' ][ i ].


For example, image you download the data set ${DATASET}.hdf5.gz where ${DATASET} denotes, e.g., the associated job identifier. Having decompressed it by executing

gunzip ${DATASET}.hdf5.gz

you can then execute an interactive Python shell


and proceed as follows:

  1. Import packages:

    import binascii, h5py
  2. Open data set:

    fd = h5py.File( '${DATASET}.hdf5', 'r' )
  3. Inspect the kernel identifier(s):

    fd.attrs[ 'board/kernel_id'        ]
    fd.attrs[ 'board/kernel_id_nameof' ]
    fd.attrs[ 'board/kernel_id_modeof' ]
  4. Inspect the size

    fd.attrs[ 'kernel/sizeof_k' ]
    fd.attrs[ 'kernel/sizeof_m' ]
    fd.attrs[ 'kernel/sizeof_c' ]

    and (hexadecimal) value of the

    binascii.b2a_hex( fd[ 'data/k' ][ 0 ] )
    binascii.b2a_hex( fd[ 'data/m' ][ 0 ] )
    binascii.b2a_hex( fd[ 'data/c' ][ 0 ] )

    0-th cipher key, plaintext, and ciphertext.

  5. Extract all

    fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ 0 ]
    fd[ 'trace/signal'  ][ 0 ]

    of the 0-th trigger and signal waveforms.

  6. Extract part

    fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ fd[ 'crop/trigger' ][ 0 ] ][ 0 ]
    fd[ 'trace/signal'  ][ fd[ 'crop/signal'  ][ 0 ] ][ 0 ]

    of the 0-th trigger and signal waveforms, using the pre-computed crop of the former to match the latter, i.e.,

                                                                        t_pos                                      t_neg
                                                                         |                                          |
                                                                         v                                          v
                                                                         :                                          :
                                                               |         +------------------------------------------+
                                                               |         |                                          |
    fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ 0 ]                              => |         |                                          |
                                                               |---------+                                          +---------
                                                               |         :                                          :
                                                                         :                                          :
                                                               |         :   /\        /\            /\            /\
                                                               |  /\     :  /  \      /  \      /\  /  \          / :\    /\
    fd[ 'trace/signal'  ][ 0 ]                              => | /  \  /\: /    \/\  /    \  /\/  \/    \    /\  /  : \  /  \
                                                               |/    \/  \/        \/      \/            \  /  \/   :  \/    \
                                                               |         :                                \/        :
                                                                         :                                          :
                                                                         :                                          :
                                                                         |                                          :
    fd[ 'trace/trigger' ][ fd[ 'crop/trigger' ][ 0 ] ][ 0 ] =>           |                                          :
                                                                         |                                          :
                                                                         |                                          :
                                                                         :                                          :
                                                                         |   /\        /\            /\            /:
                                                                         |  /  \      /  \      /\  /  \          / :
    fd[ 'trace/signal'  ][ fd[ 'crop/signal'  ][ 0 ] ][ 0 ] =>           | /    \/\  /    \  /\/  \/    \    /\  /  :
                                                                         |/        \/      \/            \  /  \/   :
                                                                         |                                \/        :
                                                                         ^                                          ^
                                                                         |                                          |
                                                                         0                                     t_neg-t_pos-1