The SCARV project is hosted within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol, and, as such, has supported a number of associated undergraduate (e.g., BSc and MEng), post-graduate taught (i.e., MSc), and post-graduate research (i.e., PhD) projects. Some such projects align with a core activity within SCARV, others explore something at the periphery; either way this repository is an archive of their output, namely the PDF-format thesis produced in each case.
The content is stored using Git Large File Storage (LFS): it makes sense to install this first, otherwise that content appears as a set of pointers to data vs. the data itself.
Jordan Lord. A RISC-V IoT Platform: Supporting the SCARV processor core in Zephyr. BSc, University of Bristol, 2020.
Mihajlo Milosavljevic. Implementation and analysis of lightweight cryptography on RISC-V platform. BSc, University of Bristol, 2019.
Joseph Stephenson. Real-time systems security through scheduler enforced cache flushing. BSc, University of Bristol, 2019.
Ben Pye. Micro-architectural attacks against a RISC-V implementation and countermeasures. BSc, University of Bristol, 2018.
Ethan Bannister. Exploring timing channel resilience with RISC-V. MEng, University of Bristol, 2022.
Max Whale. A composable RISC-V design and implementation with application to cryptographic workloads. MEng, University of Bristol, 2021.
Fergus Longley. A visual programming toolkit for side-channel attacks. MEng, University of Bristol, 2021.
Catherine Easdon. Undocumented CPU behaviour on x86 and RISC-V microarchitectures: a security perspective. MEng, University of Bristol, 2019.
James Webb. "Laboratory free" side-channel analysis. MEng, University of Bristol, 2019.
This work has been supported in part by EPSRC via grant EP/R012288/1, under the RISE programme.