The clinical trials gadget is designed to run on Profiles Research Networking Software(PRNS) with Open Research Networking Gadgets(ORNG) extension installed. The data is made available through a REST API. http://scctsi-ctds-production.herokuapp.com/.
- checkout clinicalTrials.xml to your location <GadgetURL>
- checkout image files to <GadgetURL>/images/.
- checkout environment.js to <GadgetURL>/js/
- checkout csl_gadget.css to <GadgetURL>/css/
- update environment.js, change variable ENV_GADGET_URL to your gadget url.
####Basic workflow:
- Make request to Profiles for user first and last name.
- Make ajax call to API to get clinial trials data by user by full name.
- Sort the clinial trials by the recruiting status and the trials enddate.
- Save the sorted order to the Profiles database.
- Display data on the gadget.
####Sandbox URL: http://profilesstage.sc-ctsi.org/ORNG/
####Profiles Installation Download and Guide:
Profiles RNS Version 2.5.1
####Profiles/ORNG Resources: