FireChat is a chat app for iOS built with Swift and Google's Firebase services. It features a login-, register- and chat screen as well as a home screen.
To start the app clone the project with XCode and open the .xcodeworkspace file. Not the .xcodeproject file, this will only cause you errors with the installed pods.
Then, just run the app on either an emulator or a physical iOS device.
Here is a sample account if you don't want to create one:
- Email:
- Password: 123456
Note: If you choose to use an emulator make sure you'll use the software keyboard provided by the emulator. If you try to use the emulator on this app with a physical keyboard you'll probably get an awkward symbol when typing the @ symbol.
Homescreen of the app.
Login screen of the app. Register screen of the app. Chat screen of the app.Special thanks to the creators of these libraries:
and also to the AppBrewery in London!
This is a companion project to The App Brewery's Complete App Development Bootcamp, check out the full course at