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trying out generative art with Luxor.jl (julia). i did some of the exploring in Pluto notebook, which adds some really nice interactivity.

february - playing with lines

in progress

this time i want to explore the simple idea of putting angled lines at regular grid points - and experimenting with placement (order, jitter), how properties change between elements (line thickness, hue, angle), possibly following perlin noise or a version of random walk.

(end of) january - mathematical roses

  • using Luxor.jl to create the table of rose plots on the wikipedia page. I think this looks really beautiful.

SVG figure from wikipedia

The classic forms of those curves are basically cos() plots in polar coordinates at different frequencies and to make things a bit easier for plotting - transformed into cartesian coordinates.

normal, pointy and edgy versions of `rose`

If you use a sawtooth or triangularwave waveform, the shapes become a bit more unusual.

december - snowflakes

my first idea was to use a direct drawing style (using lines and transforms), but I quickly discovered that using turtle graphics is a much more natural fit.

have a look at the code to see. i may add some details and mods here

generative art pic

build a single snowflake

  • 6 turtles, spaced at 60º, $\frac{\pi}{6}, moving out from centre with randomised step lengths and simple 0.5 probability of putting either a hexagon or a circle.

a hex grid of snowflakes

using Luxor.jl HexGrid() generator, which supplies center coordinates for points on a hex grid (neat!)


trying out generative art with Luxor.jl





