Code for the aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) sequencing project. It also contains general descriptions about the project, e.g. aim, sample collection and library preparation.
Further project documentation on GitHub Pages.
- ATP1A1
- ATP2B3
- SLC30A1
- GNA11
- add information about Sanger sequencing of known APA-associated genes
- list off all samples included in the project including the ones screened out through Sanger sequencing of KCNJ5
- SNV/indel variants in known APA-associated genes to find causative mutations in these genes
- SNV/indel variants in other genes to find novel APA-associated genes
- filter COSMIC for samples with adenoma producing tumors and look for recurrent mutations or frequently mutated genes
- look for rare disease associations with the HPO terms Neoplasm of the adrenal gland HP:0100631 (or more specific: Neoplasm of the adrenal cortex HP:0100641) or Hyperaldosteronism HP:0000859 (or more specific: Primary hyperaldosteronism HP:0011736)
- interaction analysis of APA-associated genes with other genes using STRING
- exome wide analysis of somatic SNV/indel variants and comparison with other cohorts of APA tumors
- mutational rate for these tumors
- CNV analysis
- recurrently affected regions in APA tumors
- comparison with other cohorts of APA tumors (review published data)
- accurate calling (freebayes, other callers) for known APA-associated driver mutations (Example Sanger: KCNJ5)
- genomes
- SNV/indel and CNV like for exomes
- comparison with exome data
- non-functional (NF) vs. functional APA tumors (F), these samples have genome and exome data
- pairwise calling of SNV/indel variants in functional vs. non-functional APA tumors (F vs. NF, NF vs. F, F vs. N, NF vs. N) to find differences in the mutational landscape especially secondary hits that cause proliferation or hormone production
- evolutionary analysis of functional vs. non-functional APA tumors to find the order of mutations