Dojo's TextInput
widget provides a basic text input widget with an optional label.
- Allows specification of input type (e.g.
, etc) - Correctly handles a11y attributes
- Associates a visible or invisible but accessible
with the input if thelabel
property is added - Allows leading / trailing icons / text to be added
ensures that the proper attributes (ARIA or otherwise) are set along with classes when properties such as disabled
, readOnly
, etc. are used. It also provides an API for custom ARIA implementations of aria-describedby
and aria-controls
. It also sets aria-invalid
when validation fails.
If the label
property is not used, we recommend creating a separate label
and pointing it at the input's widgetId
// Basic usage
w(TextInput, {
label: 'Email Address',
value: this.state.firstName,
type: 'email',
onChange: (event: TypedTargetEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
this.setState({ firstName: });
// Advanced usage
w(TextInput, {
aria: { describedBy: 'instructions' },
label: 'Create Password',
maxLength: 20,
name: 'password',
placeholder: 'Type password',
required: true,
type: 'password',
helperText: 'Password must contain letters and numbers',
value: this.state.password,
valid: this.state.valid,
onChange: (event: TypedTargetEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
this.setState({ password: });
this.setState({ passwordValid: this._validatePassword() });
v('p', {
id: 'instructions'
}, [ 'Password must be at least 6 characters' ]);
Native validation information is provided to the onValidate
callback via two arguments: (valid?: boolean, message?: string)
. This does not have any affect on how the input is rendered, though. To set validation state, pass valid: boolean
to the widget, or for a more advanced use case, pass valid: { valid: boolean; message: string}
to render the error message as custom helperText below the input.
w(TextInput, {
type: 'text',
label: 'Type "foo" or "bar"',
value: this.state.value,
valid: this.state.valid,
required: true,
helperText: 'helper text',
onValidate: (valid?: boolean, message?: string) => {
this.setState(valid: { valid, message });
pattern: 'foo|bar',
onInput: (value: string) => {
this.setState({ value });
By default, the values passed to the onValidate
callback are from the native browser validation APIs, element.valdiity.valid
and element.validationMessage
, respectively. A customValdiator
property can be defined as a function which receives the current value and can optionally return { valid?: boolean; message?: string; }
to override the values passed to onValidate
. Note that customValidator
will only be called after the native validation returns valid: true
w(TextInput, {
type: 'text',
value: this.state.value,
valid: this.state.valid,
required: true,
minLength: 6,
valid: this.state.valid,
customValidator(value) {
if (value.includes('foo')) {
return { valid: false, message: 'string must contain "foo"' };
onValidate: (valid?: boolean, message?: string) => {
this.setState(valid: { valid, message });
pattern: 'foo|bar',
onInput: (value: string) => {
this.setState({ value });
The TextInput
widget can display a leading
or trailing
passed via the appropriate render property. These could be used to display an icon or a unit of measurement etc.
w(TextInput, {
type: 'number',
value: this.state.value,
onInput: (value: string) => {
this.setState({ value });
leading: () => v('span', {}, [ '£' ]),
trailing: () => v('span', {}, [ '.00' ]),
The following CSS classes are available on the TextInput
widget for use with custom themes:
: Applied to either the wrapping<label>
, or a<div>
in the same position in the node hierarchydisabled
: Applied to the same level asroot
is truereadonly
: Applied to the same level asroot
is truerequired
: Applied to the same level asroot
is trueinvalid
: Applied to the same level asroot
if validation is enabled and returns{ valid: false }
: Applied to the same level asroot
if validation is enabled and returns{ valid: true }
: Applied to the immediate parent of the<input>
: Applied to the<input>