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@dojo/widgets/text-input widget

Dojo's TextInput widget provides a basic text input widget with an optional label.


  • Allows specification of input type (e.g. text, email, number, etc)
  • Correctly handles a11y attributes
  • Associates a visible or invisible but accessible <label> with the input if the label property is added
  • Allows leading / trailing icons / text to be added

Accessibility Features

TextInput ensures that the proper attributes (ARIA or otherwise) are set along with classes when properties such as disabled, readOnly, etc. are used. It also provides an API for custom ARIA implementations of aria-describedby and aria-controls. It also sets aria-invalid when validation fails.

If the label property is not used, we recommend creating a separate label and pointing it at the input's widgetId property.

Example Usage

// Basic usage
w(TextInput, {
	label: 'Email Address',
	value: this.state.firstName,
    type: 'email',
	onChange: (event: TypedTargetEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
		this.setState({ firstName: });

// Advanced usage
w(TextInput, {
	aria: { describedBy: 'instructions' },
	label: 'Create Password',
	maxLength: 20,
	name: 'password',
	placeholder: 'Type password',
	required: true,
	type: 'password',
	helperText: 'Password must contain letters and numbers',
	value: this.state.password,
    valid: this.state.valid,
	onChange: (event: TypedTargetEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
		this.setState({ password: });
		this.setState({ passwordValid: this._validatePassword() });
v('p', {
	id: 'instructions'
}, [ 'Password must be at least 6 characters' ]);


Native validation information is provided to the onValidate callback via two arguments: (valid?: boolean, message?: string). This does not have any affect on how the input is rendered, though. To set validation state, pass valid: boolean to the widget, or for a more advanced use case, pass valid: { valid: boolean; message: string} to render the error message as custom helperText below the input.

w(TextInput, {
	type: 'text',
	label: 'Type "foo" or "bar"',
	value: this.state.value,
	valid: this.state.valid,
	required: true,
	helperText: 'helper text',
	onValidate: (valid?: boolean, message?: string) => {
		this.setState(valid: { valid, message });
	pattern: 'foo|bar',
	onInput: (value: string) => {
		this.setState({ value });

Custom validation

By default, the values passed to the onValidate callback are from the native browser validation APIs, element.valdiity.valid and element.validationMessage, respectively. A customValdiator property can be defined as a function which receives the current value and can optionally return { valid?: boolean; message?: string; } to override the values passed to onValidate. Note that customValidator will only be called after the native validation returns valid: true.

w(TextInput, {
	type: 'text',
	value: this.state.value,
	valid: this.state.valid,
	required: true,
	minLength: 6,
	valid: this.state.valid,
	customValidator(value) {
		if (value.includes('foo')) {
			return { valid: false, message: 'string must contain "foo"' };
	onValidate: (valid?: boolean, message?: string) => {
		this.setState(valid: { valid, message });
	pattern: 'foo|bar',
	onInput: (value: string) => {
		this.setState({ value });

Leading / Trailing icons

The TextInput widget can display a leading or trailing Dnode passed via the appropriate render property. These could be used to display an icon or a unit of measurement etc.

w(TextInput, {
	type: 'number',
	value: this.state.value,
	onInput: (value: string) => {
		this.setState({ value });
	leading: () => v('span', {}, [ '£' ]),
	trailing: () => v('span', {}, [ '.00' ]),


The following CSS classes are available on the TextInput widget for use with custom themes:

  • root: Applied to either the wrapping <label>, or a <div> in the same position in the node hierarchy
  • disabled: Applied to the same level as root if properties.disabled is true
  • readonly: Applied to the same level as root if properties.readOnly is true
  • required: Applied to the same level as root if properties.required is true
  • invalid: Applied to the same level as root if validation is enabled and returns { valid: false }.
  • valid: Applied to the same level as root if validation is enabled and returns { valid: true }.
  • inputWrapper: Applied to the immediate parent of the <input>
  • input: Applied to the <input> element