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v1.0.0 documentation

Ewen Le Bihan edited this page May 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Beware, the API is not at v1.0.0 yet, this documentation represents the API's goal for v1.0.0

schoolsyst's API


All routes require a JWT token to access (except /auth/ routes)

To access routes, first obtain your token, then, pass it in the Authorization header using the format Bearer <your token>.


POST /auth/

Obtain a JWT token, given a email and a password.

Provide the email and password in the request's body as such:

  "email": "<your email>",
  "password": "<your password>"

The response will be of the following form:

  "access": "<your access token>",
  "refresh": "<your refresh token>"

POST /auth/refresh/

Renew your access token provided the refresh token

Given the refresh token:

  "refresh": "<your refresh token>"

The response will contain the new access token:

  "access": "<your new access token>",

GET /users/self/

Information about the current user (the one authentificated by the access token)

The response will contain:

  • email - unique (case insensitive)
  • activated - Whether or not the user has confirmed his email address.

POST /users/

Create an account.

The request must contain:

  • email
  • password

Upon registration, the API...

  1. creates a new unique activation token and saves it on <the user>.activation_token
  2. sends a confirmation email to email, this email contains a button that links to<the verify token>&email=<the email address>

POST /users/activate

Query parameters:

Name Type Constraints Description
email email address Exists in the database
token string Exists in the database Stored as a property named activation_token on each user. Destroyed 24 hours after creation.

Routes beyond this point require the user to have its activation state (activated property) set to true. Otherwise a 401 Unauthorized response will be sent.

From here, all resources are tied to a user, and all have creation and last updated date read-only fields, named respectively created_at and updated_at


Settings of the user.

Name Type Constraints Default value Description
theme One of 'light', 'dark' or 'auto' 'auto'
year_layout daterange[] array.length >= 1 required Configures how the year is split. For example, for a student whose school works on semesters, the layout will be [{start: <start of the year>, end: <end of the first semester>}, {start: <start of the 2nd semester, end: <end of the year>}]
starting_week_type 'even' or 'odd' 'even' Whether the first week of school is an 'odd'-type week of 'even'-type.
grades_unit float > 0 required What unit is used to display grades. Note that grades are stored as floats in [0; 1], no matter what this value is set to.
offdays daterange[] [] Holidays, exceptional weeks without courses, school trips, etc.

NOTE: This endpoint only accepts GET and PATCH requests, not POST (you cannot create new settings)


Name Type Constraints Default value Description
name string max length: 100 required The subject's display name.
slug slug max length: 100
must be unique to the user.
required Derived from the name, contains only alphanumerical characters and the dash "-". Case insensitive.
color int (hexadecimal) must be a valid hex color value 0x000000
weight float >= 0 1
goal float ∈ [0; 1]
room string max length: 100 If the courses of the subject are always in the same room, it's set here and will serve as a default for the "add event" modal.


Represents homework

The endpoint GET /homework/ only returns homework that is not due in the past or not completed (progress != 1). To include old & completed homework, do a request to GET /homework?include-old. The response to this endpoint will be paginated, at a rate of 200 items per page.

Name Type Constraints Default value Description
title string max length: 500 required
subject Subject object required
type one of 'test', 'coursework', 'to_bring' or 'exercise' required
completed_at datetime must be in the past (≤ now)
null The last time progress was set to 1
progress float ∈ [0; 1] 0 0 means not started, 1 means finished.
notes Note[] notes must be owned by the user [] Linked notes
grades Grade[] grades must be owned by the user [] Linked grades.


Name Type Constraints Default value Description
title string max length: 500 required
actual float ∈ [0; 1] null The actual mark
expected float ∈ [0; 1] null The mark the user thought it would get after doing the test
goal float ∈ [0; 1] null The goal mark
unit float > 0 required
weight float >= 0 1
obtained_at datetime must be in the past null The datetime where actual was first set to a value other than null.


Name Type Constraints Default value Description
name string max length: 500 ""
content string "" content is omitted from the GET /events/ but is present when requesting a single note (GET /notes/:uuid)
thumbnail string read-only /notes/<uuid of this note>/thumbnail
type One of 'html', 'markdown', 'asciidoc' or 'external' 'html' For 'external' notes, the content is the URL pointing to the note.
quizzes quiz[] [] Linked quizzes.

The response is paginated, at a rate of 100 items per page.

GET /notes/:uuid/convert/:format

Get the content of a note as a specific format. Typically used by the "export" modal on the frontend.

:format can be one of:

  • pdf
  • tex
  • docx
  • txt
  • odt
  • markdown
  • asciidoc
  • rst
  • epub
  • mediawiki

NOTE: Pandoc is used for converting notes, and the following mappings are made for formats:

:format Given to pandoc
markdown markdown_phpextra+emoji+superscript+subscript
tex latex
txt plain

NOTE: Some formats output binary files. Their MIME types are set correctly by the response:

:format Response's MIME Type
docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
pdf application/pdf
odt application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
all others text/plain

POST /notes/convert/:in_format/:out_format

Converts the request body (in :in_format) into :out_format.


POST /notes/convert/html/pdf


Will convert some HTML text (<h1>Hello</h1>) into a PDF and return that file. Typically used for importing notes.

Possible values of :in_format and :out_format: See GET /notes/:uuid/convert/:format's :format possible values.


Name Type Constraints Default value Description
name string max length: 500 required
questions Question[] [] An array of questions. The definition of those object is still a work in progress.
tries.test integer >= 0 0 Number of trials in test mode
tries.train integer >= 0 0 Number of trials in train mode integer >= 0 0 Total number of trials
modified_at datetime must be in the past now() When was questions or name last modified
time_spent integer >= 0 0 (in seconds) the total time spent on this quizz
sessions QuizSession[] [] An array of quiz sessions. The definition of those object is still a work in progress.
notes Note[] [] Referenced notes.

CLARIFICATION: event(s) vs course(s)

  • events are "base" events as returned by the /events/ API endpoint. They describe a normal week of the year
  • courses are events, with deletions, additions and offdays applied. They have a date attribute and describe a particular week, and thus are tied to a date range, a specific week of the year.


Events of the schedule

Name Type Constraints Default value Description
subject Subject object required The linked subject
start time required
end time must be in the future relative to start required
day integer ∈ [1; 7] required 1 is monday, 7 is sunday (ISO weekdays)
room string max length: 100 ""
on_even_weeks boolean true This event happens on even weeks
on_odd_weeks boolean true This event happens on odd weeks


Mutations on the schedule

Name Type Constraints Default value Description
event Event object Must be owned by the user null
deleted_in daterange null
added_in daterange null
room string null

Multiple interpretations occur following which values are taken by added_in and deleted_in

  added_in && deleted_in added_in && !deleted_in !added_in && deleted_in !added_in && !deleted_in
subject EDT Ø Ø Ø
!subject RES ADD DEL Ø
Type of mutation meaning example
EDT A simple editing of the course, while keeping it on the same day. For the 2019-12-08 Physics course from 08:00 to 08:55, the room is L013 and not L453
RES A rescheduling. The room and other info may also be changed for the rescheduled event. The 2019-08-12 Mathematics course from 13:05 to 14:00 is moved to 2019-08-14 from 08:00 to 08:55
ADD An exceptional course that is not part of the regular schedule. An exceptional History course will be added at 2019-07-11, from 16:45 to 18:00
DEL A removal of course, without rescheduling. The 2020-01-13 Chemistry course from 15:50 to 16:45 is cancelled

GET /courses/:start/:end

Get courses within an interval (inclusive on both ends).

Name Type Constraints Description
subject Subject object The linked subject
start datetime
end datetime must be in the future relative to start
room string max length: 100