SchXslt Ant is copyright (c) 2019,2020 by David Maus <> and released under the terms of the MIT license.
This project implements a task for Apache Ant that performs Schematron validation with SchXslt.
Download or compile the .jar file and define a new task using name.dmaus.schxslt.ant.Task
class name. The .jar contains the Java classes of a Schematron validation task as well as the
SchXslt transformation stylesheets.
You can download the .jar from the list of releases or build it using the Maven build tool.
To create the .jar file from its sources clone this repository and run the Maven build tool.
git clone
cd schxslt-ant
mvn clean package
This creates the jar file inside the target
It supports the following options:
file | Path to the file to be validated | - |
schema | Path to the file containing the Schematron | - |
phase | Validation phase | #ALL |
report | Path to the file that the SVRL report should be written to |
<project name="Test" basedir="." default="build">
<taskdef name="schematron" classname="name.dmaus.schxslt.ant.Task" classpath="/path/to/ant-schxslt-1.4.jar"/>
<target name="build">
<schematron schema="schema.sch" file="document.xml" report="report.xml" phase="myPhase"/>