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D2.3 User Forum

This repository contains the raw material for the Sci-GaIA project Deliverable 2.3 - Outcomes of the Web-Based User Forum. Note :

  • The main file is : This is used to build the other formats (pdf, odt - see below)
  • Looking for PDF / DOC ? If you want a pre-compiled document to read, in a .pdf or .odt file, see the Github Releases. This contains the latest succesful build of the document.
  • Comments ? If you would to comment on the document, please open a topic on the forum under the topic
  • Contributions ? If you would like to contribute to the document, please fork the repository and send your suggestions in a pull request.

Building the document

The document is built automatically on Travis. See the Travis file to see what is done in detail. The following steps are done :

  1. Convert images where necessary
  2. Conduct spell check
  3. Push release on successful build


We use pandoc to create the document :

pandoc -S --filter pandoc-fignos \
--filter --filter pandoc-tablenos \
--variable mainfont="Lato" \
--variable sansfont="Lato" \
--variable monofont="Roboto" \
--variable fontsize=12pt \
--variable version=1.17.2 \
--reference-odt="" \
--number-sections \
--toc \
--from markdown+implicit_figures+table_captions+pipe_tables+footnotes+inline_notes \  -o D2.3-UF.odt

You will need the filters available in your distribution of pandoc.

Spell checking

We use aspell to check the spelling of the document against a dictionary of terms which we maintain in the repo (.aspell.en.pws) :

cat | aspell --pipe --encoding utf-8|grep -v \* | uniq


  • Major versions e.g. v1.0.0 : Public versions, passed internal review and checking.
  • Minor versions e.g. v0.1.0 : Internal releases, awaiting review
  • Patch versions e.g. v0.0.1 : Work in progress tags.