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824 lines (654 loc) · 36.5 KB

File metadata and controls

824 lines (654 loc) · 36.5 KB



 a) Scelta del sistema operativo:

    Debian, Gentoo, Scientific Linux (aka RHEL),
    Per oAr è stato scelto:

    Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-62-generic x86_64)

    If you are using Debian GNU/Linux ``Lenny'' or later, then you
    can install most of the below-mentioned prerequisites and
    recommendations by running:

      $ sudo aptitude install python-dev apache2-mpm-prefork \
          mysql-server mysql-client python-mysqldb \
          python-4suite-xml python-simplejson python-xml \
          gnuplot poppler-utils \
          gs-common clisp gettext libapache2-mod-wsgi unzip \
          python-dateutil python-rdflib python-pyparsing \
          python-gnuplot python-magic pdftk html2text giflib-tools \
          pstotext netpbm python-pypdf python-chardet python-lxml \
          python-unidecode redis-server python-redis

    You may also want to install some of the following packages,
    if you have them available on your concrete architecture:

      $ sudo aptitude install sbcl cmucl pylint pychecker pyflakes \
          python-profiler python-epydoc libapache2-mod-xsendfile \
 python-utidylib python-beautifulsoup \

    (Note that if you use pip to manage your Python dependencies
    instead of operating system packages, please see the section
    (d) below on how to use pip instead of aptitude.)

    Moreover, you should install some Message Transfer Agent (MTA)
    such as Postfix so that Invenio can email notification
    alerts or registration information to the end users, contact
    moderators and reviewers of submitted documents, inform
    administrators about various runtime system information, etc:

      $ sudo aptitude install postfix

    *Attenzione verificare che il firewall e altre regole permettono
    l'invio di mail a tutti.*

 b) MySQL server (*may be on a remote machine*), and MySQL client
    (must be available locally too).  MySQL versions 4.1 or 5.0
    are supported.
    -  Please set the variable "max_allowed_packet"
    in your "my.cnf" init file to at least 4M.
    You may perhaps also want to run your MySQL server
    natively in UTF-8 mode by setting "default-character-set=utf8"
    in various parts of your "my.cnf" file, such as in the
    "[mysql]" part and elsewhere;
    but this is not really required.
    Maggiori Info: <>

 c) Redis server (may be on a remote machine) for user session
    management and caching purposes.  By default, Invenio would
    use Redis to store sessions, so it is highly recommended to
    install it.  However, if you do not want to use Redis, you can
    change CFG_WEBSESSION_STORAGE settings in invenio-local.conf
    and MySQL will be used for session management instead.

    In OAR lo storage è settato su mysql
    Inserito in invenio-local.conf


 d) Apache 2 server, with support for loading DSO modules, and
    optionally with SSL support for HTTPS-secure user
    authentication, and mod_xsendfile for off-loading file
    downloads away from Invenio processes to Apache.

 e) Python v2.6 or above:

     OAR : Python 2.7.6

    as well as the following Python modules:
      - (mandatory) MySQLdb (version >= 1.2.1_p2; see below)
      - (mandatory) Pyparsing, for document parsing
      - (mandatory) unidecode, for ASCII representation of Unicode text:
      - (recommended) Redis connector:
      - (recommended) Nydus, Redis consistent hashing connector:
      - (recommended) python-dateutil, for complex date processing:
      - (recommended) PyRXP, for very fast XML MARC processing:
      - (recommended) lxml, for XML/XLST processing:
      - (recommended) Gnuplot.Py, for producing graphs:
      - (recommended) Snowball Stemmer, for stemming:
      - (recommended) py-editdist, for record merging:
      - (recommended) numpy, for citerank methods:
      - (recommended) magic, for full-text file handling:
      - (recommended) cerberus, extensible validation for Python dictionaries.
      - (optional) libxml2-python, for XML/XLST processing:
      - (optional) chardet, for character encoding detection:
      - (optional) 4suite, slower alternative to PyRXP and
      - (optional) feedparser, for web journal creation:
      - (optional) RDFLib, to use RDF ontologies and thesauri:
      - (optional) mechanize, to run regression web test suite:
      - (optional) python-mock, mocking library for the test suite:
      - (optional) utidylib, for HTML washing:
      - (optional) Beautiful Soup, for HTML washing:
      - (optional) Python Twitter (and its dependencies) if you want
         to use the Twitter Fetcher bibtasklet:
      - (optional) Python OpenID if you want to enable OpenID support
         for authentication:
      - (optional) Python Rauth if you want to enable OAuth 1.0/2.0
         support for authentication (depends on Python-2.6 or later):
      - (optional) libhdf5-7, libhdf5-dev, python-h5py, in order to
         run author disambiguation.

    Note that if you are using pip to install and manage your
    Python dependencies, then you can run:

      $ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
      $ sudo pip install -r requirements-extras.txt

    to install all manadatory, recommended, and optional packages
    mentioned above.

 f) mod_wsgi Apache module.  Versions 3.x and above are

 g) If you want to be able to extract references from PDF fulltext
    files, then you need to install pdftotext version 3 at least.

 h) If you want to be able to search for words in the fulltext
    files (i.e. to have fulltext indexing) or to stamp submitted
    files, then you need as well to install some of the following
      - for Microsoft Office/ document conversion:
      - for PDF file stamping: pdftk, pdf2ps
      - for PDF files: pdftotext or pstotext
      - for PostScript files: pstotext or ps2ascii
      - for DjVu creation, elaboration: DjVuLibre
      - to perform OCR: OCRopus (tested only with release 0.3.1)
      - to perform different image elaborations: ImageMagick
      - to generate PDF after OCR: netpbm, ReportLab and pyPdf or pyPdf2

 i) If you have chosen to install fast XML MARC Python processors
    in the step d) above, then you have to install the parsers
      - (optional) 4suite:

 j) (recommended) Gnuplot, the command-line driven interactive
    plotting program.  It is used to display download and citation
    history graphs on the Detailed record pages on the web
    interface.  Note that Gnuplot must be compiled with PNG output
    support, that is, with the GD library.  Note also that Gnuplot
    is not required, only recommended.

 k) (recommended) A Common Lisp implementation, such as CLISP,
    SBCL or CMUCL.  It is used for the web server log analysing
    tool and the metadata checking program.  Note that any of the
    three implementations CLISP, SBCL, or CMUCL will do.  CMUCL
    produces fastest machine code, but it does not support UTF-8
    yet.  Pick up CLISP if you don't know what to do.  Note that a
    Common Lisp implementation is not required, only recommended.

 l) GNU gettext, a set of tools that makes it possible to
    translate the application in multiple languages.
    This is available by default on many systems.

 m) (recommended) xlwt 0.7.2, Library to create spreadsheet files
    compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any
    platform, with Python 2.3 to 2.6

 n) (recommended) matplotlib 1.0.0 is a python 2D plotting library
         which produces publication quality figures in a variety of
    hardcopy formats and interactive environments across
    platforms. matplotlib can be used in python scripts, the
    python and ipython  shell (ala MATLAB®        or Mathematica®),
    web application servers, and six graphical user        interface
    toolkits. It is used to generate pie graphs in the custom
    summary query (WebStat)

     an open-source tools an libraries collection
    to convert video and audio files. It makes use of both internal
    as well as external libraries to generate videos for the web, such
    as Theora, WebM and H.264 out of almost any thinkable video input.
    FFmpeg is needed to run video related modules and submission workflows
    in Invenio. The minimal configuration of ffmpeg for the Invenio demo site
    requires a number of external libraries. It is highly recommended
    to remove all installed versions and packages that are comming with
    various Linux distributions and install the latest versions from
    sources. Additionally, you will need the Mediainfo Library for multimedia
    metadata handling.
    - the ffmpeg multimedia encoder tools
    - a library for jpeg images needed for thumbnail extraction
    - a library for the ogg container format, needed for Vorbis and Theora
    - the OGG Vorbis audi codec library
    - the OGG Theora video codec library
    - the WebM video codec library
    - the mediainfo library for multimedia metadata
    *Recommended* for H.264 video (!be aware of licensing issues!):
    - a library for H.264 video encoding
    - a library for Advanced Audi Coding
    - a library for MP3 encoding


The Invenio uses standard GNU autoconf method to build and
install its files.  This means that you proceed as follows:

  $ cd $HOME/src/

   Per OAR cd /opt

      - Change to a directory where we will build the Invenio

  $ wget
  $ wget
  $ wget

      Fetch Invenio source tarball from the distribution server,
      together with MD5 checksum and GnuPG cryptographic signature
      files useful for verifying the integrity of the tarball.

  $ md5sum -c invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz.md5

      Verify MD5 checksum.

  $ gpg --verify invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz.sig invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz

      Verify GnuPG cryptographic signature.  Note that you may
      first have to import my public key into your keyring, if you
      haven't done that already:
        $ gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0xBA5A2B67
      The output of the gpg --verify command should then read:
        Good signature from "Tibor Simko <>"
      You can safely ignore any trusted signature certification
      warning that may follow after the signature has been
      successfully verified.

  $ tar xvfz invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz

      Untar the distribution tarball.

  $ cd invenio-1.2.1

      Go to the source directory.

  $ ./configure

   Per OAR lanciato senza altri parametri.

      Configure Invenio software for building on this specific
      platform.  You can use the following optional parameters:
     Nel Dettaglio :

             Optionally, specify the Invenio general
             installation directory (default is /opt/invenio).
             It will contain command-line binaries and program
             libraries containing the core Invenio
             functionality, but also store web pages, runtime log
             and cache information, document data files, etc.
             Several subdirs like `bin', `etc', `lib', or `var'
             will be created inside the prefix directory to this
             effect.  Note that the prefix directory should be
             chosen outside of the Apache htdocs tree, since only
             one its subdirectory (prefix/var/www) is to be
             accessible directly via the Web (see below).

             Note that Invenio won't install to any other
             directory but to the prefix mentioned in this
             configuration line.


             Optionally, specify a path to some specific Python
             binary.  This is useful if you have more than one
             Python installation on your system.  If you don't set
             this option, then the first Python that will be found
             in your PATH will be chosen for running Invenio.


             Optionally, specify a path to some specific MySQL
             client binary.  This is useful if you have more than
             one MySQL installation on your system.  If you don't
             set this option, then the first MySQL client
             executable that will be found in your PATH will be
             chosen for running Invenio.


             Optionally, specify a path to CLISP executable.  This
             is useful if you have more than one CLISP
             installation on your system.  If you don't set this
             option, then the first executable that will be found
             in your PATH will be chosen for running Invenio.


             Optionally, specify a path to CMUCL executable.  This
             is useful if you have more than one CMUCL
             installation on your system.  If you don't set this
             option, then the first executable that will be found
             in your PATH will be chosen for running Invenio.


             Optionally, specify a path to SBCL executable.  This
             is useful if you have more than one SBCL
             installation on your system.  If you don't set this
             option, then the first executable that will be found
             in your PATH will be chosen for running Invenio.


             Optionally, specify the path to the Python interpreter
             embedded with This is normally not
             contained in the normal path. If you don't specify this
             it won't be possible to use to convert from and
             to Microsoft Office and documents.

      This configuration step is mandatory.  Usually, you do this
      step only once.

      (Note that if you are building Invenio not from a
      released tarball, but from the Git sources, then you have to
      generate the configure file via autotools:

          $ sudo aptitude install automake1.9 autoconf
          $ aclocal-1.9
          $ automake-1.9 -a
          $ autoconf

      after which you proceed with the usual configure command.)

  $ make

      Launch the Invenio build.  Since many messages are printed
      during the build process, you may want to run it in a
      fast-scrolling terminal such as rxvt or in a detached screen

      During this step all the pages and scripts will be
      pre-created and customized based on the config you have
      edited in the previous step.

      Note that on systems such as FreeBSD or Mac OS X you have to
      use GNU make ("gmake") instead of "make".

  $ make install

      Install the web pages, scripts, utilities and everything
      needed for Invenio runtime into respective installation
      directories, as specified earlier by the configure command.

      Note that if you are installing Invenio for the first
      time, you will be asked to create symbolic link(s) from
      Python's site-packages system-wide directory(ies) to the
      installation location.  This is in order to instruct Python
      where to find Invenio's Python files.  You will be
      hinted as to the exact command to use based on the
      parameters you have used in the configure command.

  $ make install-mathjax-plugin

      This will automatically download and install in the proper
      place MathJax, a JavaScript library to render LaTeX formulas
      in the client browser.

      Note that in order to enable the rendering you will have to
      invenio-local.conf to a suitable list of output format
      codes. For example:

  $ make install-jquery-plugins

      This will automatically download and install in the proper
      place jQuery and related plugins.  They are used for AJAX
      applications such as the record editor.

      Note that `unzip' is needed when installing jquery plugins.

  $ make install-ckeditor-plugin

      This will automatically download and install in the proper
      place CKeditor, a WYSIWYG Javascript-based editor (e.g. for
      the WebComment module).

      Note that in order to enable the editor you have to set the

  $ make install-pdfa-helper-files ## optional

      This will automatically download and install in the proper
      place the helper files needed to create PDF/A files out of
      existing PDF files.

  $ make install-mediaelement

      This will automatically download and install the MediaElementJS
      HTML5 video player that is needed for videos on the DEMO site.

  $ make install-solrutils

      This will automatically download and install a Solr instance
      which can be used for full-text searching.  See CFG_SOLR_URL
      variable in the invenio.conf.  Note that the admin later has
      to take care of running init.d scripts which would start the
      Solr instance automatically.

  $ make install-js-test-driver  ## optional

      This will automatically download and install JsTestDriver
      which is needed to run JS unit tests. Recommended for developers.


Once the basic software installation is done, we proceed to
configuring your Invenio system.

  $ sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /opt/invenio

      For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that your Invenio
      installation will run under the `www-data' user process
      identity.  The above command changes ownership of installed
      files to www-data, so that we shall run everything under
      this user identity from now on.

      For production purposes, you would typically enable Apache
      server to read all files from the installation place but to
      write only to the `var' subdirectory of your installation
      place.  You could achieve this by configuring Unix directory
      group permissions, for example.

  $ sudo -u www-data vim /opt/invenio/etc/invenio-local.conf

      Customize your Invenio installation.  Please read the
      'invenio.conf' file located in the same directory that
      contains the vanilla default configuration parameters of
      your Invenio installation.  If you want to customize some of
      these parameters, you should create a file named
      'invenio-local.conf' in the same directory where
      'invenio.conf' lives and you should write there only the
      customizations that you want to be different from the
      vanilla defaults.

      Here is a realistic, minimalist, yet production-ready
      example of what you would typically put there:

         $ cat /opt/invenio/etc/invenio-local.conf

	CFG_DATABASE_PASS = oarinvenio
	CFG_SITE_NAME = Open Access Repository
	CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL_en = Open Access Repository
	CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL_fr = Open Access Repository
	CFG_PATH_FFMPEG = /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
	CFG_PATH_FFPROBE = /usr/local/bin/ffprobe
	CFG_PATH_MEDIAINFO = /usr/bin/mediainfo
	CFG_BIBEDIT_KB_INSTITUTIONS = InstitutionsCollection
		<eprints xmlns=""
   			<text>Free and unlimited use by anybody with obligation to refer to original record</text>
   			<text>1. Access to some or all full items is controlled.the content is not changed in any way3. Full items must not be harvested by robots except transiently for full-text indexing or citation analysis4. Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.5. This repository is not the publisher; it is merely the online archive.</text>
   			<text>Submission restricted. Submitted documents are subject of approval by OAI repository admins.</text>

      You should override at least the parameters mentioned above
      in order to define some very essential runtime parameters
      such as the name of your document server (CFG_SITE_NAME and
      CFG_SITE_NAME_INTL_*), the visible URL of your document
      server (CFG_SITE_URL and CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL), the email
      address of the local Invenio administrator, comment
      moderator, and alert engine (CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL,
      CFG_SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL, etc), and last but not least your
      database credentials (CFG_DATABASE_*).

      If this is a first installation of Invenio it is recommended
      variable to 1. If this is instead an upgrade from an existing
      installation don't add it until you have run:
      $ bibdocfile --fix-bibdocfsinfo-cache .

      The Invenio system will then read both the default
      invenio.conf file and your customized invenio-local.conf
      file and it will override any default options with the ones
      you have specifield in your local file.  This cascading of
      configuration parameters will ease your future upgrades.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all

      Make the rest of the Invenio system aware of your
      invenio-local.conf changes.  This step is mandatory each
      time you edit your conf files.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-tables

      If you are installing Invenio for the first time, you
      have to create database tables.

      Note that this step checks for potential problems such as
      the database connection rights and may ask you to perform
      some more administrative steps in case it detects a problem.
      Notably, it may ask you to set up database access
      permissions, based on your configure values.

      If you are installing Invenio for the first time, you
      have to create a dedicated database on your MySQL server
      that the Invenio can use for its purposes.  Please
      contact your MySQL administrator and ask him to execute the
      commands this step proposes you.

      At this point you should now have successfully completed the
      "make install" process.  We continue by setting up the
      Apache web server.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --load-bibfield-conf

      Load the configuration file of the BibField module.  It will
      create `' file.  (FIXME: When BibField
      becomes essential part of Invenio, this step should be later
      automatised so that people do not have to run it manually.)

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --load-webstat-conf

      Load the configuration file of webstat module. It will create
      the tables in the database for register customevents, such as
      basket hits.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-apache-conf

      Running this command will generate Apache virtual host
      configurations matching your installation.  You will be
      instructed to check created files (usually they are located
      under /opt/invenio/etc/apache/) and edit your httpd.conf
      to activate Invenio virtual hosts.

     Questa parte ancora su oar non è stata fatta. Aspettiamo Fargetta.

      If you are using Debian GNU/Linux ``Lenny'' or later, then
      you can do the following to create your SSL certificate and
      to activate your Invenio vhosts:

          ## make SSL certificate:
          $ sudo aptitude install ssl-cert
          $ sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl
          $ sudo /usr/sbin/make-ssl-cert /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf \

          ## add Invenio web sites:
          $ sudo ln -s /opt/invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost.conf \
          $ sudo ln -s /opt/invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf \

          ## disable Debian's default web site:
          $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2dissite default

          ## enable Invenio web sites:
          $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2ensite invenio

          ##$ sudo /usr/sbin/a2ensite invenio-ssl

          ## enable SSL module:
          ##$ sudo /usr/sbin/a2enmod ssl

          ## if you are using xsendfile module, enable it too:
          $ sudo /usr/sbin/a2enmod xsendfile

      If you are using another operating system, you should do the
      equivalent, for example edit your system-wide httpd.conf and
      put the following include statements:

         Include /opt/invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost.conf
         Include /opt/invenio/etc/apache/invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf

      Note that you may need to adapt generated vhost file
      snippets to match your concrete operating system specifics.
      For example, the generated configuration snippet will
      preload Invenio WSGI daemon application upon Apache start up
      for faster site response.  The generated configuration
      assumes that you are using mod_wsgi version 3 or later.  If
      you are using the old legacy mod_wsgi version 2, then you
      would need to comment out the WSGIImportScript directive
      from the generated snippet, or else move the WSGI daemon
      setup to the top level, outside of the VirtualHost section.

      Note also that you may want to tweak the generated Apache
      vhost snippet for performance reasons, especially with
      respect to WSGIDaemonProcess parameters.  For example, you
      can increase the number of processes from the default value
      `processes=5' if you have lots of RAM and if many concurrent
      users may access your site in parallel.  However, note that
      you must use `threads=1' there, because Invenio WSGI daemon
      processes are not fully thread safe yet.  This may change in
      the future.

  $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

      Please ask your webserver administrator to restart the
      Apache server after the above "httpd.conf" changes.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --check-openoffice

      If you plan to support MS Office or Open Document Format
      files in your installation, you should check whether
      LibreOffice or is well integrated with
      Invenio by running the above command.  You may be asked to
      create a temporary directory for converting office files
      with special ownership (typically as user nobody) and
      permissions.  Note that you can do this step later.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --create-demo-site
    Qui non l'ho testato ma possiamo fargli caricare il nostro demo site.

      This step is recommended to test your local Invenio
      installation.  It should give you our "Atlantis Institute of
      Science" demo installation, exactly as you see it at

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --load-demo-records
       Qui non l'ho testato ma possiamo fargli caricare i nostri dati di  esempio.
      Optionally, load some demo records to be able to test
      indexing and searching of your local Invenio demo

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-unit-tests

      Optionally, you can run the unit test suite to verify the
      unit behaviour of your local Invenio installation.  Note
      that this command should be run only after you have
      installed the whole system via `make install'.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-regression-tests

       Optionally, you can run the full regression test suite to
       verify the functional behaviour of your local Invenio
       installation.  Note that this command requires to have
       created the demo site and loaded the demo records.  Note
       also that running the regression test suite may alter the
       database content with junk data, so that rebuilding the
       demo site is strongly recommended afterwards.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --run-web-tests

       Optionally, you can run additional automated web tests
       running in a real browser.  This requires to have Firefox
       with the Selenium IDE extension installed.

  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --remove-demo-records

      Optionally, remove the demo records loaded in the previous
      step, but keeping otherwise the demo collection, submission,
      format, and other configurations that you may reuse and
      modify for your own production purposes.

    Comando da non eseguire -
  $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --drop-demo-sitei

      Optionally, drop also all the demo configuration so that
      you'll end up with a completely blank Invenio system.
      However, you may want to find it more practical not to drop
      the demo site configuration but to start customizing from
  $ firefox

      In order to start using your Invenio installation, you
      can start indexing, formatting and other daemons as
      indicated in the "HOWTO Run" guide on the above URL.  You
      can also use the Admin Area web interfaces to perform
      further runtime configurations such as the definition of
      data collections, document types, document formats, word
      indexes, etc.

  $ sudo ln -s /opt/invenio/etc/bash_completion.d/inveniocfg \

       Optionally, if you are using Bash shell completion, then
       you may want to create the above symlink in order to
       configure completion for the inveniocfg command.

Configurazione EXTRA

work in progress