Hush Line is the first managed, open-source whistleblower management platform for lawyers, journalists, educators, business leaders and more. We take care of the tech so you can focus on the mission, not the machines.
- ⭐️ Verified accounts
- 🙋 Opt-in user directory
- 👁️ OCR Vision Assistant
- 🧅 Tor Onion service support
- 🔑 Proton key import
- 🔒 End-to-end encryption using PGP
- ✅ Self-authenticating URLs
- 📤 email delivery
- 💌 Mailvelope integration for in-app decryption
- 💵 Paid plans for account aliases
- ⏱️ TOTP-based two-factor authentication
- 🎨 Custom branding for admins
❤️ We're excited that you're interested in contributing to Hush Line. To maintain the quality of our codebase and ensure the best experience for everyone, we ask that you agree to and follow our Code of Conduct.