Imbalanced-learn 0.12.0
Bug fixes
- Fix a bug in SMOTENC where the entries of the one-hot encoding should be divided by sqrt(2) and not 2, taking into account that they are plugged into an Euclidean distance computation. #1014 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Raise an informative error message when all support vectors are tagged as noise in SVMSMOTE. #1016 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Fix a bug in SMOTENC where the median of standard deviation of the continuous features was only computed on the minority class. Now, we are computing this statistic for each class that is up-sampled. #1015 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Fix a bug in SMOTENC such that the case where the median of standard deviation of the continuous features is null is handled in the multiclass case as well. #1015 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Fix a bug in BorderlineSMOTE version 2 where samples should be generated from the whole dataset and not only from the minority class. #1023 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Fix a bug in NeighbourhoodCleaningRule where the kind_sel="all" was not working as explained in the literature. #1012 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Fix a bug in NeighbourhoodCleaningRule where the threshold_cleaning ratio was multiplied on the total number of samples instead of the number of samples in the minority class. #1012 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Fix a bug in RandomUnderSampler and RandomOverSampler where a column containing only NaT was not handled correctly. #1059 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- BalancedRandomForestClassifier now support missing values and monotonic constraints if scikit-learn >= 1.4 is installed.
- Pipeline support metadata routing if scikit-learn >= 1.4 is installed.
- Compatibility with scikit-learn 1.4. #1058 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Deprecate estimator_ argument in favor of estimators_ for the classes CondensedNearestNeighbour and OneSidedSelection. estimator_ will be removed in 0.14. #1011 by Guillaume Lemaitre.
- Deprecate kind_sel in #1012 by Guillaume Lemaitre.