This is the first pre-release of v2
(a complete library-rewrite) shipped to pypi. From previous feedback, it is stable enough to be used in most projects, but please proceed with caution and provide feedback if you identify problems:
Breaking Changes
- Literally everything ;-) The API completely changed. Please see the migration guide in the docs: https://bibtexparser.readthedocs.io/en/main/migrate.html
- Some functionality, especially previous modules of the customization package have not yet been integrated in
as their use-case is not obvious or newer and better alternatives have emerged. - This is now permissively MIT licensed, without any GPL parts remaining.
- The documentation has been extended.
Why all that? Here's the advantages:
🚀 Order of magnitudes faster
🔧 Easily customizable parsing and writing
🌿 Access to raw, unparsed bibtex.
💩 Fault-Tolerant: Able to parse files with syntax errors
🀄 Massively simplified, robuster handling of de- and encoding (special chars, ...).
©️ Permissive MIT license