Command | Action |
F1 |
Power user menu |
Ctrl + S |
Execute code |
Ctrl + B |
Toggle mini browser focus |
Ctrl + Shift + U |
Show/hide mini browser |
Ctrl + Shift + Y |
Show/hide console |
Command | Action |
Shift + Ctrl + L |
Select all instances (highlight or cursor position) |
Shift + Alt + right arrow key |
Expand selection to select word |
Shift + Alt highlight code |
Column (box) selection |
Shift + right arrow key |
Select one character at a time |
Shift + down arrow key |
Select line at a time |
Shift + Ctrl + right arrow key |
Select whole symbol |
Command | Action |
Alt + click |
Add cursor at click position |
Shift + Alt + I |
Insert cursor at the end of each line selected / makes empty spaces visible |
Ctrl + Alt + up/down arrow key |
Insert cursor above/below |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter |
Create new line above cursor |
Ctrl + Enter |
Create new line below cursor |
Command | Action |
Ctrl + X |
Cut line (empty selection) |
Ctrl + C |
Copy line (empty selection) |
Ctrl + V |
Paste copied content |
Alt + up/down arrow key |
Move line up/down |
Shift + Alt + up/down arrow key |
Copy line up/down |
Ctrl + Shift + \ |
Navigate to matching bracket |
Ctrl + ] / [ |
Indent/outdent line |
Ctrl + Z |
Undo |
Command | Action |
Ctrl + F |
Find |
Ctrl + H |
Replace |
F3 / Shift + F3 |
Find next/previous |
Alt + Enter |
Select occurrence of Find Match |
Alt + C/W/R |
Toggle case-sensitive / whole word / regular expression |
Ctrl + G |
Navigate to line number (same mac) |
Ctrl + Shift + O |
Navigate to symbol |
Ctrl + left/right arrow key |
Navigate to start/end of symbol |
Ctrl + up/down arrow key |
Up/down scroll editor |
Command | Action |
Ctrl + / or ctrl + K ctrl + C |
Comment/uncomment line (Empty selection or highlight) |
Ctrl + / or ctrl + K ctrl + U |
Uncomment (Empty selection or highlight) |
Shift + Alt + A |
Block comment (Empty selection or highlight) |
Command | Action |
Ctrl + space |
Trigger suggestions |
Ctrl + Alt + F |
Format document |
Ctrl + K Ctrl + F |
Format selection |
Alt + F12 |
Peek definition |
Ctrl + K F12 |
Navigate to definition |
Hold Ctrl then hover over symbol |
Mini peek definition |
Shift + F12 |
Show references |