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A custom branch-and-bound algorithm for solving low-rank matrix completion to certifiable optimality


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Optimal Low-Rank Matrix Completion via Branch-and-bound

OptimalMatrixCompletion is a Julia package which solves low-rank matrix completion problems to certifiable optimality via a custom branch-and-bound scheme. It is the implementation of the following paper: Optimal Low-Rank Matrix Completion: Semidefinite Relaxations and Eigenvector Disjunctions.

If you use this in your work, please cite this paper as follows:

    author = {Bertsimas, Dimitris and Cory-Wright, Ryan and Lo, Sean and Pauphilet, Jean},
    year = {2023},
    month = {05},
    pages = {},
    title = {Optimal Low-Rank Matrix Completion: Semidefinite Relaxations and Eigenvector Disjunctions},
    doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.20630.11841}

Quick start

To install the package:

julia> Pkg.install("OptimalMatrixCompletion")

To perform matrix completion on the matrix A with observed indices indices:

julia> using OptimalMatrixCompletion
julia> (k, m, n) = (1, 50, 50);
julia> A = randn(Float64, (m, n)); indices = BitMatrix(rand([0,1], (m, n)));
julia> (γ, λ) = (80.0, 0.0);
julia> noise = true;
julia> (solution, printlist, instance) = OptimalMatrixCompletion.branchandbound_frob_matrixcomp(
    k, A, indices, γ, λ, noise,
    node_selection = "bestfirst",
    disjunctive_cuts_type = "linear",
    disjunctive_cuts_breakpoints = "smallest_1_eigvec",
    time_limit = 3600,

Here, solution is a dictionary with the following fields:

  • "X_initial": the solution obtained after an alternating minimization procedure at the root node.
  • "Y_initial", "U_initial": obtained from X_initial such that $(Y, U, X)$ are feasible for the master problem.
  • "objective_initial": the objective value obtained for X_initial.
  • "MSE_in_initial": the in-sample MSE of X_initial compared to the input matrix A
  • "MSE_out_initial": the out-of-sample MSE of X_initial compared to the input matrix A (this is only relevant if one has access to the unobserved values in A)
  • "MSE_all_initial": the overall MSE of X_initial compared to the input matrix A (this is only relevant if one has access to the unobserved values in A)
  • "X": the solution obtained after the branch-and-bound algorithm.
  • "Y", "U": obtained from X such that $(Y, U, X)$ are feasible for the master problem.
  • "objective": the objective value obtained for X.
  • "MSE_in": the in-sample MSE of X compared to the input matrix A
  • "MSE_out": the out-of-sample MSE of X compared to the input matrix A (this is only relevant if one has access to the unobserved values in A)
  • "MSE_all": the overall MSE of X compared to the input matrix A (this is only relevant if one has access to the unobserved values in A)

printlist is a Vector{String} that contains the logged output of the algorithm. instance is a dictionary with the following fields:

  • "run_log": a log of the branch-and-bound algorithm, documenting the number of explored and total nodes, the incumbent lower and upper bounds, the current optimality gap, and the time taken so far.
  • "run_details": a dictionary consisting of the parameters to branchandbound_frob_matrixcomp(), together with measurements on the time taken for various parts of the algorithm, and number of nodes in branch-and-bound of various categories.


branchandbound_frob_matrixcomp() has the following required parameters:

  • k::Int, the rank constraint on the imputed matrix $X$.
  • A::Array{Float64, 2}, the observed data matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$.
  • indices::BitMatrix, the observed indices in $A$ as a 0-1 matrix with 1 denoting the positions of observed entries.
  • γ::Float64, the regularization parameter $\gamma > 0$ on the imputed matrix $X$. A larger value indicates less regularization, while a value closer to 0 indicates more regularization.
  • λ::Float64, the penalty parameter $\lambda$ on the rank of the matrix. This is typically set to 0.
  • noise::Bool, whether the entries in $A$ are observed with noise or noiselessly.

See below for a full list of optional paramters.

  • branching_type::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: in the situation with use_disjunctive_cuts = false, determining which coordinate to branch on: either "lexicographic" or "bounds" or "gradient".
  • branch_point::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: in the situation with use_disjunctive_cuts = false, determine which value to branch on: either "midpoint" or "current_point".
  • node_selection::String = "breadthfirst": the node selection strategy to use: either "breadthfirst" or "bestfirst" or "depthfirst" or "bestfirst_depthfirst".
  • bestfirst_depthfirst_cutoff::Int = 10000: in the situation with node_selection = "bestfirst_depthfirst", the number of nodes in the queue before the algorithm switches from "bestfirst" to "depthfirst".
  • gap::Float64 = 1e-4: relative optimality gap for branch-and-bound algorithm.
  • use_disjunctive_cuts::Bool = true: whether to use eigenvector disjunctions, highly recommended to be true.
  • disjunctive_cuts_type::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: number of pieces in piecewise linear upper-approximation; either "linear" (2 pieces) or "linear2" (3 pieces) or "linear3" (4 pieces).
  • disjunctive_cuts_breakpoints::Union{String, Nothing} = nothing: number of eigenvectors to use in constructing separation oracle, either "smallest_1_eigvec" (most negative eigenvector) or "smallest_2_eigvec" (combination of first and second most negative eigenvectors).
  • presolve::Bool = false: in the noiseless setting (noise = false), whether to perform presolve, highly recommended to be true.
  • add_basis_pursuit_valid_inequalities::Bool = false: in the noiseless setting (noise = false), whether to impose valid inequalities from determinant minors.
  • add_Shor_valid_inequalities::Bool = false: whether to add Shor SDP inequalities to strengthen SDP relaxation at each node.
  • Shor_valid_inequalities_noisy_rank1_num_entries_present::Vector{Int} = [1, 2, 3, 4]: if add_Shor_valid_inequalities is true, the set of 2-by-2 determinant minors to model with Shor SDP inequalities, based on the number of filled entries (should be some subset of [1, 2, 3, 4]).
  • add_Shor_valid_inequalities_fraction::Float64 = 1.0: if add_Shor_valid_inequalities is true, the proportion of 2-by-2 determinant minors to model with Shor SDP inequalities.
  • add_Shor_valid_inequalities_iterative::Bool = false: if add_Shor_valid_inequalities is true, whether to add them iteratively from parent node to child node.
  • max_update_Shor_indices_probability::Float64 = 1.0: if add_Shor_valid_inequalities_iterative is true, the maximum probability of adding inequalities at a node.
  • min_update_Shor_indices_probability::Float64 = 0.1, if add_Shor_valid_inequalities_iterative is true, the minimum probability of adding inequalities at a node.
  • update_Shor_indices_probability_decay_rate::Float64 = 1.1: if add_Shor_valid_inequalities_iterative is true, the base of the exponential decay of the probability of adding inequalities at a node, as a function of depth in the tree.
  • update_Shor_indices_n_minors::Int = 100: if add_Shor_valid_inequalities_iterative is true, the number of Shor SDP inequalities to add at a node whenever adding is performed.
  • root_only::Bool = false: if true, only solves relaxation at root node
  • altmin_flag::Bool = true: whether to perform alternating minimization at nodes in the branch-and-bound tree, highly recommended to be true.
  • max_altmin_probability::Float64 = 1.0: if altmin_flag is true, the maximum probability of performing alternating minimization at a node.
  • min_altmin_probability::Float64 = 0.005: if altmin_flag is true, the minimum probability of performing alternating minimization at a node.
  • altmin_probability_decay_rate::Float64 = 1.1: if altmin_flag is true, the base of the exponential decay of the probability of performing alternating minimization at a node, as a function of depth in the tree.
  • use_max_steps::Bool = false: whether to terminate the algorithm based on the number of branch-and-bound nodes explored.
  • max_steps::Int = 1000000: if use_max_steps is true, the upper limit on number of branch-and-bound nodes explored.
  • time_limit::Int = 3600: time limit in seconds.
  • update_step::Int = 1000: number of branch-and-bound nodes explored per printed update.

Usage tips

  • It is highly recommended to set the parameter use_disjunctive_cuts and altmin_flag to true (the method in the paper), which implements eigenvector disjunctions and alternating minimization at branch-and-bound nodes respectively.
  • For basis pursuit problems (the noiseless setting), it's highly recommended to set presolve to true, which fills in some entries based on a determinant condition on the $(k+1)$-by-$(k+1)$ minors.
  • The regularization parameter γ should be tuned according to some paramter tuning and cross-validation procedure. Bear in mind that large values of γ, corresponding to less regularized problems, usually corresponds to longer solution times and more nodes explored.
  • Take care in deciding the add_Shor_valid_inequalities parameter. If set to true, convex relaxations at each node in general take much longer to solve (especially with a large set in Shor_valid_inequalities_noisy_rank1_num_entries_present). This can greatly increase solution time. However, depending on the sparsity and rank regime, judicious choices of Shor_valid_inequalities_noisy_rank1_num_entries_present can result in a much stronger relaxation that is tight, resulting in few if any branch-and-bound nodes required.
  • Don't forget to set the time_limit to a reasonable value!


A custom branch-and-bound algorithm for solving low-rank matrix completion to certifiable optimality








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