This application is built to provide a real-time stream of tweets that pertain to a specific hashtag. The application features CSS Flexbox, infinity scroll and a custom loader.
- Node
- MongoDB
- Twitter API Keys
Install NPM modules in the root directory
npm install
Go to Twitter for Developers and follow the instructions on how to build a new app so that you will have the necessary API Keys to start the application. After you have the required Twitter API Keys, create a '.env' file in the root directory and place them inside. An example of how this should look can be found in the '.sample-env' file.
Install MongoDB to local environment Go to MongoDB Installation Guide
Start the Express server and tell Webpack to watch files:
npm start
Start 'mongod' in another Terminal window or tab:
The default server will be running on localhost:3000. To override the default Port, include a custom 'PORT' setting to the '.env' file.
Refresh the browser to see changes appear.
To Drop the Database:
npm run dropDb
This application was built using...
- React
- Express
- Mongoose / MongoDB
- Webpack
- Sentiment analysis of Tweets
- D3 graphs for additional insights and analysis
- Historical analysis of tweets over time