VectorNet: Encoding HD Maps and Agent Dynamics from Vectorized Representation
Thanks to this TNT implemention
Contain follow features:
- my custom data feature preprocessor
- remove torch-geometric requirements
- batchify the data and compute subgraph in pipeline
- better visualize the evaluation result
- use tensorboard to visualize the loss & metric
- simplify the inference pipeline for deploy
- add output log during training
- deploy through TensorRT and libtorch
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)"
python tools/ -d ./mini_data -b 128 --lr 0.005
python tools/ -d ./mini_data -b 128 --lr 0.005
python tools/ -d ./mini_data -b 128 -rm weights/best_vectornet.pth
python tools/ -d ./mini_data -b 128 -rm weights/best_tnt.pth
ATTENTION: My custom dataset does not have HDMap, so I only use the perception lane for input. This is only for experiment !!!
On my private dataset, the metrics are:
'minADE': 0.6467818400568369,
'minFDE': 1.3008982805719813,
'MR': 0.20051413881748073,
'p-minADE': 2.153652389728194,
'p-minFDE': 2.807768830243343,
'p-MR': 0.7725899742930608,
'brier-minADE': 1.1959656446840874,
'brier-minFDE': 1.8500820851992275
Organize the inference computing pipeline as follows:
Details can be found in tensorrt_deploy directory.
- Speed Test
Libtorch are ABANDONED, please refer to TRT deploy!!!
Only test on libtorch-cpu(version must > 1.12.0), average 0.4 ms/forward.
a. Export jit traced module.
python assets/tools/export/
b. Compile cpp code.
cd assets/tools/export/cpp_libtorch>mkdir build && cd build>cmake ..>make
c. Excute
./vectornet ../../models/