This two-day workshop will focus on generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs; hierarchical/multilevel models) using the R programming language. We will concentrate on practical elements of GLMMs such as choosing a modeling approach, the process of building up and understanding a model, model checking, and plotting and interpreting model output. We will focus mainly on linear mixed-effects models, but we will also cover generalized linear mixed-effect models, variance and correlation structures, and zero-inflated models.
By the end of the two-day workshop, you will be able to develop models using your own data and troubleshoot the main problems that arise in the process. You will also become familiar with a number of R packages that can fit GLMMs (e.g. lme4, nlme, glmmTMB) and R packages to help manipulate and plot your data and models (e.g. dplyr, ggplot2, broom).
Prior to taking this workshop, you should be reasonably comfortable with R and linear regression, and ideally have some experience with GLMs (e.g. logistic regression). Some background with dplyr and ggplot2 would be helpful.
Click "Clone or download", "Download ZIP".
Open the file glmm-course.Rproj
by double-clicking on it. Run the following:
Then look in the folder exercises
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