This two-day workshop will focus on linear mixed-effects and generalized linear models (GLMs) using the R programming language. We will begin with a refresher on interpreting linear regression under various data transformations and then move on to linear mixed-effects models and GLMs. More advanced topics will include standardizing predictors, group-level predictors, variance and correlation structures, and overdispersed GLMs. We will concentrate on practical elements such as choosing a modeling approach, the process of building and understanding a model, model checking, and plotting and interpreting model output.
By the end of the two-day workshop, you will be able to develop models using your own data and troubleshoot the main problems that arise in the process. You will also become familiar with two R packages for model fitting (lme4 and nlme) and R packages to help manipulate and plot your data and models (e.g. dplyr, ggplot2, broom).
Prior to taking this workshop, you should be reasonably comfortable with R and linear regression. Some background with dplyr and ggplot2 would be helpful, but participants can also complete some short tutorials before arriving to learn these packages.
This two-day workshop will focus on generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) using the R programming language. We will begin with a quick refresher on linear mixed-effects models and GLMs (generalized linear models), but will concentrate mostly on GLMMs. Advanced topics will include dealing with overdispersion, zero-inflation, and delta-GLMMs for modelling positive continuous data with zeros. We will fit models with lme4, glmmTMB, and rstanarm. We will concentrate on practical elements such as choosing a modeling approach, the process of building and understanding a model, model checking, and plotting and interpreting model output.
Prior to taking this workshop, you should be comfortable with linear mixed-effects modeling and GLMs in R. Some background with dplyr and ggplot2 would be helpful, but participants can also complete some short tutorials before arriving to learn these packages.