This repository contains the GEANT4 applications built, experimental data, and jupyter notebooks employed for the data analysis.
Table of Contents
Cal-Exp-Data folder: has the data for detector calibration.
G4-Only-Det folder: has the GEANT4 application just for one detector without the RPT system.
G4-RPT folder: has the GEANT4 application with detector and macrocommands to move it.
RPT-Exp-data folder: has experimental data acquired.
RPT-macros folder has the macrofiles generated for GEANT4 simulations.
RPT-sim-data folder has the results from the GEANT4 simulation.
RPT_1D_data_analysis.ipynb is the data treatment, data analisis, and data visualization of the results.
- y are functions and classes to modularize the jupyter notebooks.
- The experimental data come from several experiments done in the Nuclear Science Department at Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito - Ecuador.
- The simulated data come from simulations run on a linux server. Thanks to Corporación Ecuatoriana para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y la Academia (CEDIA) for giving us access to your cluster.
1. What is e-RPT? Ecuadorian Radioactive Particle Tracking (e-RPT) is an attempt to do the Radioactive Particle Tracking (RPT) technique in Ecuador.
2. What is only RPT? The RPT is a nuclear technique to tracking radioactive particles and reconstruct the path of those particles.
An example of the RPT system is ilustrated in the following picture.
Picture obtained from: Mohd Amirul Syafiq Mohd Yunos et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 554 012005
3. What is radiation detector calibration? The calibration of the radiation detector is process to measure how many particles are effectively registered by a radiation detector, and this is done by the Full Energy Peak Efficiency (FEPE). The FEPE was done for static source, and then used for scaled the simulated data.
- AP: is the area of a photopeak for a energy window
- E: is the activity of the radioactive source
- P: is the probability of the emission
graph TD
A[Collect data experimentally and from the simulation for static sources] --> B(FEPE calibration for experimental data and simulated data)
B --> C{Static Calibration Successfull Yes or No}
C -->|Yes| D[Data acquisition experimentally and from the simulation for the RPT system]
C -->|No| E[Try all again]
D --> F[Generation of position spectra]
F --> G[Reconstruction of particle position]