Introducing the Service Worker
Resets the index and working tree
Get the project into the sample state
git checkout task-register-sw
git checkout log-requests
git checkout task-custom-response
git checkout gif-response
git checkout error-handling
git checkout task-install
git checkout task-cache-response
git checkout task-handling-updates
git checkout task-update-notify
git checkout task-update-reload
git checkout task-page-skeleton
IndexController . prototype . _registerServiceWorker = function ( ) {
if ( ! navigator . serviceWorker ) return ;
navigator . serviceWorker . register ( '/sw.js' ) . then ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Registration worked!' ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Registration failed!' ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Hijacking request - custom HTTP response from service worker
self . addEventListener ( 'fetch' , function ( event ) {
event . respondWith (
new Response ( '<p class="a-winner-is-me">Custom HTML response</p>' , {
headers : { 'Content-Type' : 'text/html' }
} )
) ;
} ) ;
Hijacking request - custom HTTP response only for URL ending in ".jpg"
self . addEventListener ( 'fetch' , function ( event ) {
if ( event . request . url . endsWith ( '.jpg' ) ) {
event . respondWith (
fetch ( '/imgs/dr-evil.gif' )
) ;
} ) ;
Hijacking request - custom HTTP response only when status for request is 404
self . addEventListener ( 'fetch' , function ( event ) {
event . respondWith (
fetch ( event . request ) . then ( function ( response ) {
if ( response . status === 404 ) {
return fetch ( '/imgs/dr-evil.gif' )
return response ;
} ) . catch ( function ( ) {
return new Response ( "Uh oh, that totally failed!" ) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
self . addEventListener ( 'install' , function ( event ) {
var urlsToCache = [
'/' ,
'js/main.js' ,
'css/main.css' ,
'imgs/icon.png' ,
'' ,
] ;
event . waitUntil (
caches . open ( 'wittr-static-v1' ) . then ( function ( cache ) {
return cache . addAll ( urlsToCache ) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
Return response from cache, if it is available
self . addEventListener ( 'fetch' , function ( event ) {
event . respondWith (
caches . match ( event . request ) . then ( function ( response ) {
if ( response ) return response ;
return fetch ( event . request ) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
self . addEventListener ( 'activate' , function ( event ) {
event . waitUntil (
caches . delete ( 'wittr-static-v1' )
) ;
} ) ;
Installing new version of cache, deleting old ones and fetching data from cache
var staticCacheName = 'wittr-static-v2' ;
self . addEventListener ( 'install' , function ( event ) {
event . waitUntil (
caches . open ( staticCacheName ) . then ( function ( cache ) {
return cache . addAll ( [
'/' ,
'js/main.js' ,
'css/main.css' ,
'imgs/icon.png' ,
'' ,
] ) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
self . addEventListener ( 'activate' , function ( event ) {
event . waitUntil (
caches . keys ( ) . then ( function ( cacheNames ) {
return Promise . all (
cacheNames . filter ( function ( cacheName ) {
return cacheName . startsWith ( 'wittr-' ) &&
cacheName != staticCacheName ;
} ) . map ( function ( cacheName ) {
return caches . delete ( cacheName ) ;
} )
) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
self . addEventListener ( 'fetch' , function ( event ) {
event . respondWith (
caches . match ( event . request ) . then ( function ( response ) {
return response || fetch ( event . request ) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;
Notify about service worker updates
IndexController . prototype . _registerServiceWorker = function ( ) {
if ( ! navigator . serviceWorker ) return ;
var indexController = this ;
navigator . serviceWorker . register ( '/sw.js' ) . then ( function ( reg ) {
if ( ! navigator . serviceWorker . controller ) {
return ;
if ( reg . waiting ) {
indexController . _updateReady ( ) ;
return ;
if ( reg . instaling ) {
indexController . _trackInstalling ( reg . instaling ) ;
return ;
reg . addEventListener ( 'updatefound' , function ( ) {
indexController . _trackInstalling ( reg . installing ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
IndexController . prototype . _trackInstalling = function ( worker ) {
var indexController = this ;
worker . addEventListener ( 'statechange' , function ( ) {
if ( worker . state == 'installed' ) {
indexController . _updateReady ( worker ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Send a message to service Worker
IndexController . prototype . _updateReady = function ( worker ) {
var toast = this . _toastsView . show ( "New version available" , {
buttons : [ 'refresh' , 'dismiss' ]
} ) ;
toast . answer . then ( function ( answer ) {
if ( answer != 'refresh' ) return ;
worker . postMessage ( { action : 'skipWaiting' } ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Receive message in service worker and call skipWaiting()
self . addEventListener ( 'message' , function ( event ) {
if ( event . data . action == 'skipWaiting' ) {
self . skipWaiting ( ) ;
} ) ;
Reload page if controller is changed
navigator . serviceWorker . addEventListener ( 'controllerchange' , function ( ) {
window . location . reload ( )
} ) ;
Respond to requests for the root page with the page skeleton from the cache
self . addEventListener ( 'fetch' , function ( event ) {
var requestUrl = new URL ( event . request . url ) ;
if ( requestUrl . origin === location . origin ) {
if ( requestUrl . pathname === '/' ) {
event . respondWith ( caches . match ( '/skeleton' ) ) ;
return ;
event . respondWith (
caches . match ( event . request ) . then ( function ( response ) {
return response || fetch ( event . request ) ;
} )
) ;
} ) ;