All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.4 (2020-03-22)
- coding-test: fix scroll not working on small devices (9c3ce64)
0.1.3 (2020-03-22)
- docs: fix typo (f41c50a)
0.1.1 (2020-03-22)
- register-form: apply styles in component scope (8f34640)
0.1.0 (2020-03-22)
- style: code formatting // Just for versionin
- coding-test: fix register-form route match type (1c0d0ef)
- register-form: add basic signup form layout (7db0362)
- register-form: add fields validators (0f94ec4)
- register-form: add formik for signup form handling (216f52c)
- register-form: add loading spinner for submit process (78bfc5f)
- register-form: add phone input mask (1c010e5)
- register-form: add redux-form wrapping (0cbd252)
- register-form: add routing for signup states (edba119)
- register-form: add success signup component (59bfa56)
- register-form: display signup errors (dce9ed2)
- register-form: improve form interaction (bfa038f)
- register-form: navigate to signup success when signup completed (3947de7)
- register-form: set username to lowercase (acfe762)
- register-form: signup form styling (23ec256)
- register-form: signup submit util (d72adad)
- style: code formatting (333dcd0)
- util-formatters: add stripe characters util (9a6e5ca)
- workspace: add react helpers util lib (f70f611)
- workspace: add signup api data-access lib (190f371)
- input-components: add workaround for refForwarding types error (9dcb2af)
- input-components: fix wrong placeholder property name (b2fd0b3)
- react-ui: remove text-input required attribute (ab1c615)
- register-form: correct phone start error message (9fa730f)
- register-form: correct phone start regexp (0bac0fa)
- register-form: fix missing '(' in regexp (9c6723e)
- register-form: remove redux-form (issue #1) (813579e)
- register-form: set phone field type to string (7cbf7cf)
- tell redux-form the form state location (f6ce249)
0.0.1 (2020-03-18)
- coing-list: disable text selection (9d53d06)
- voting-list: add basic candidate list styling (afc7e58)
- voting-list: add render voting items as separte components (0126eb6)
- voting-list: add total votes selector (f2ca201)
- voting-list: add up/down vote icons (aba7b76)
- voting-list: add voting dashboard container (e775c6f)
- voting-list: display total votes count (1351d0f)
- voting-list: display votation stats (2ceebf3)
- voting-list: handle up/down vote events (8933d86)
- voting-list: highlight last voted candidate (3426863)
- voting-list: improve candidate card styling (4012a2a)
- voting-list: modify loaded state on candidates generation (aa2c6ac)
- voting-list: order list desc by votes and age (72c1b20)
- workspace: add data util lib (fd19f3b)
- coding-test: add loading spinner on fallbacks (46e12b6)
- coding-test: fix voting list random url redirect update (65b171f)
- coding-test: navigate to random url in voting-list nav link (4258412)
- util-data: fix multiple sort property comparison for numbers (19f559b)
- voting-list: remove unnecessary null checks (cdc7e42)
- coding-test: add css reset (5351e8e)
- coding-test: add home component page (0663630)
- coding-test: add input components feature (0f16081)
- coding-test: add navigation bar (637f17e)
- coding-test: add participant name (406a825)
- coding-test: add register form feature (c5a15ed)
- coding-test: add voting list feature (0a4d7a1)
- coding-test: apply thunk middleware extension to store (f6b7bbe)
- coding-test: dynamically load features redux slices (4494332)
- coding-test: dynamically load register-form redux slice (a7c3707)
- coding-test: redirect unkown urls to 404 page (597ff17)
- coding-test: set default font size to 16px (d1f8be2)
- input-components: add basic layout & interaction (a3a74c0)
- input-components: add focusable input controls (3acc9f9)
- input-components: add focusable-input component (77d2d94)
- input-components: style text input component (65c2d8c)
- models-voting-candidates: add voting candidate model (e1de81a)
- perf: lazy load features (137bbb4)
- react-ui: add email-input component (f2291e4)
- react-ui: add nav ui components (c5fbd17)
- react-ui: add password-input component (a357ca5)
- react-ui: add text-input component (418fb0a)
- react-ui: add toggle-switch component (919e626)
- react-ui: set text-input placeHolder prop optional (9c4effe)
- regsiter-form: add register-form redux store slice (7a3ee9f)
- style: code cleaning (653331f)
- ui: add active nav link style (38b98d6)
- util-generators: add fake data generator (7101c95)
- util-generators: add random int generator (8b7daa1)
- util-voting-candidates: add voting candidate generator (169272b)
- voting-candidates: add votes change action (8e78359)
- voting-candidates: generate candidates on feature load (b5aee28)
- voting-list: add candidates number in feature path (dc706f4)
- voting-list: add voting list redux store slice (046993f)
- voting-list: configure store to handle candidates entities (10d1921)
- workspace: add formatter util lib (987d330)
- workspace: add generators util lib (d860560)
- workspace: add react capabilities (5f4d161)
- workspace: add react coding test app (c775652)
- workspace: add react ui lib (670e88b)
- workspace: add standard-version script (926f090)
- workspace: add validators util lib (6044674)
- workspace: add voting candidates models lib (07f9509)
- workspace: add voting candidates util lib (4fb6579)
- workspace: disable standard-version auto commit (7edd407)
- build: remove broken imports (4887a05)
- coding-test: add top/bottom padding to app content (7b55d4e)
- coding-test: fix global styles (a5fa103)
- coding-test: fix root element height (57bad5d)
- input-components: correct settings control label (c5463b4)
- input-components: input element not rendered by default (634d711)
- input-components: pass required focusable-input props in specs (32290a7)
- react-ui: fix toggle-switch classes for rounded switch (8930d60)
- ts: fix type scheck error in redux modules creation (4ba7eda)
- ts: fix types check error in redux modules creation (7197a48)
- ui: stronger active nav links (c854caa)
- util-generators: fix generators export error (8de1fac)
- util-generators: hard code faker locale (lib bug) (67d9ced)
- util-voting-candidates: add candidates id (df9ac8f)
- util-voting-candidates: fix candidate id start count (9a4a745)
- voting-list: fix store module contract file name for ts validations (02febdc)