All of the code for my Medium articles.
Update (2021/11/28): Unfortunately, I am no longer writing new articles and this repository is no longer being updated. Thank you to everyone who has ever read my pieces! I'm so glad I could share some of my knowledge of AI and data science with you guys! It's been an honor and I'm sad to leave, but I've moved on to other projects now. As such, I can't make any guarantee that the code here is still up to date, and I probably won't reply to any issues/PRs. Thank you again for being here; it's really been my honor. Farewell! And until next time, happy coding!
(I might return one day, but that won't be soon)
My Medium account:
Building a Powerful DQN in TensorFlow 2.0 (explanation & tutorial): dqn/
Basics of Using TensorBoard in TensorFlow 1 & 2: using-tensorboard/
The Alpaca API Explained for People Who Want to Get Started Trading (semi-outdated): trading/
Building a Twitter Sentiment-Analysis App Using Streamlit: twitter-sentiment/
tf.GradientTape Explained for Keras Users: gradienttape-explained/
Transforming the World Into Paintings with CycleGAN: cyclegan/
Multiprocessing for Data Scientists in Python: multiprocessing/
Implementing Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Keras & Tensorflow 2.0: adversarial-attacks-defenses/
Basics of Using Pre-trained GloVe Vectors in Python: using-pretrained-glove-vectors/