An OpenMM plugin for SEEKR2.
The SEEKR2 OpenMM plugin is a plugin for the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation software package OpenMM. Technically, the plugin defines new Integrator objects in OpenMM, which allow the user to define a series of surfaces using Force objects, and monitors crossing events on these surfaces. Normally, the integrators act just like an the LangevinIntegrator or other common integrators that ships with OpenMM. But,for instance, in MMVT when a surface crossing event is detected, the positions, velocities, and forces of the previous timestep are restored, the velocities are reversed, the crossing event is logged, and (optionally) the locations and velocities of the atoms during the crossing are recorded. For Elber milestoning, crossing events of the various milestones are recorded by the integrators.
The easiest and fastest way to install this plugin is to use Conda.
Download and install Conda for Python3 (We have tested python3.5, and python3.6). Conda can be downloaded from:
Or, one may install Conda from the command line:
Make sure Conda is installed by running:
which conda
You will want to use Python 3.8, so you can see which version you are with the command:
python -V
If it says any other version besides Python 3.8, then enter:
conda install python=3.8
If you want you can create a conda environment,
conda create --name SEEKR python=3.8
With Conda working, You may create and activate any environment you wish, or use the base environment. Install the SEEKR2 OpenMM Plugin:
conda install -c conda-forge seekr2_openmm_plugin
OpenMM will be installed automatically alongside the plugin.
Update the feedstock file seekr2_openmm_plugin-feedstock/meta.yaml to have the latest version number. Also, you will need to download the tarball from{{ version }}.tar.gz
Then, compute the sha sum:
shasum -a 256 seekr2_openmm_plugin-x.y.z.tar.gz
If this is a new version, set the build number to 0, otherwise, increment the build number.
Commit these changes to the feedstock and push to your repository. Then, lodge a pull request with Conda-forge.
Under certain circumstances, users may with to install this plugin from source. In that case, one may also want to install OpenMM from source. The SEEKR2 OpenMM plugin requires OpenMM to run.
The instructions for installing OpenMM from source can be found on OpenMM's main manual:
One may also follow the instructions below for installing OpenMM from source.
Download and install Conda for Python3 (We have tested python3.5, and python3.6). Conda can be downloaded from:
Install numpy, scipy, netcdf4, and mpi4py:
$ conda install numpy scipy netcdf4 mpi4py
Make sure git is installed. Make sure 'curses' is installed.
$ sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui
Make sure 'doxygen' is installed.
$ conda install -c conda-forge doxygen
You will also need 'swig'
$ conda install swig
Clone OpenMM and cd into OpenMM directory, then perform necessary build steps.
$ git clone
$ cd openmm
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..
The ccmake gui should come up. Press 'c' and then 't'
You should modify the following variables:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: change to a local directory that exists (example: /home/username/bin/openmm). If such a directory doesn't exist, then make one.
Press 'c'. When the configuration is successful, type 'g' to generate. Then ccmake should close on its own.
$ make
$ make install
$ make PythonInstall
$ make test
If the PythonInstall step fails, then install cython
$ pip install --upgrade cython
You can test your OpenMM installation by opening python and importing OpenMM:
>>> from simtk import openmm
If the import completes without error, the installation should have been successful.
Clone the SEEKR2 Plugin and cd into the directory, then perform necessary build steps.
$ git clone
$ cd seekr2_openmm_plugin/seekr2plugin
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ccmake ..
The ccmake gui should come up. Press 'c' and then 't'
You should modify the following variables:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: change to the same directory as the variable used in the OpenMM installation above.
OPENMM_DIR: Use the same directory that you used for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for OpenMM above.
Press 'c'. When the configuration is successful, type 'g' to generate. Then ccmake should close on its own.
$ make
$ make install
$ make PythonInstall
$ make test
You can test your installation by opening Python and typing:
>>> from seekr2plugin import MmvtLangevinIntegrator
If the import completes without error, the installation should have been successful.
Using SEEKR2 first requires one to define an integrator object, and we will start by describine the MmvtLangevinIntegrator object. An initialization of the object is called using the following syntax:
MmvtLangevinIntegrator(temperature, frictionCoefficient, timeStep, crossingsFileName)
Where temperature, frictionCoefficient, and timeStep are the same parameters that would be passed to OpenMM's LangevinIntegrator object.
The argument for crossingsFileName is a string that defines the location to write the crossing events. A description of this file output can be found in the "CROSSINGS FILE" section lower in this README.
The integrator object has a number of methods, the most important of which are:
- addMilestoneGroup(milestoneGroup): allows one to define which force groups SEEKR2 should monitor for crossing events. This method must be called for each MMVT surface that is desired.
- setSaveStateFileName(fileName): A directory-filename prefix that will be used if the user chooses to write position/velocity states upon a milestone crossing event. If this method is never called or a blank string is passed, then the state will not be saved upon crossing. A method for extracting atomic positions from these saved states is provided in the section below labeled "CROSSING STATE ANALYSIS".
- setSaveStatisticsFileName(fileName): The argument is a string defining the location to write MMVT statistics directly.
- setBounceCounter(counter): the argument is an integer that will define the starting number of bounces. This is used when restarting MMVT simulations.
An integrator designed to perform Elber milestoning is also provided as an alternative to MMVT milestoning. Like the MMVT integrator, the Elber integrator is initialized according to the following syntax:
ElberLangevinIntegrator(temperature, frictionCoefficient, timeStep, crossingsFileName)
Where temperature, frictionCoefficient, and timeStep are the same parameters that would be passed to OpenMM's LangevinIntegrator object.
The argument for crossingsFileName is a string that defines the location to write the crossing events. A description of this file output can be found in the "CROSSINGS FILE" section lower in this README.
The integrator object has a number of methods, the most important of which are:
- addSrcMilestoneGroup(milestoneGroup): allows one to define which force groups SEEKR2 should monitor for source milestone crossing events. This method must be called for each Elber source milestone surface that is desired. The source milestone is a surface that, if crossed in the reversal stage, will cause the system to be rejected from the first hitting point distribution (FHPD).
- addDestMilestoneGroup(milestoneGroup): allows one to define which force groups SEEKR2 should monitor for source milestone crossing events. This method must be called for each Elber destination milestone surface that is desired. The destination milestone is a surface that, if crossed in the forward stage, will be logged as a transition.
- setSaveStateFileName(fileName): A directory-filename prefix that will be used if the user chooses to write position/velocity states upon a milestone crossing event. If this method is never called or a blank string is passed, then the state will not be saved upon crossing. A method for extracting atomic positions from these saved states is provided in the section below labeled "CROSSING STATE ANALYSIS".
- setCrossingCounter(counter): the argument is an integer that will define the starting number of crossings. This is used to reset each subsequent Elber reversal or forward trajectory.
The MMVT and Elber surfaces in SEEKR2 are defined using OpenMM Custom Force Objects. Before proceeding, the reader should become familiar with Forces, Custom Forces, Force groups, and Atom groups by carefully reading the following OpenMM docs:
In SEEKR2, a force group must be used to define the MMVT/Elber surface. Any OpenMM Force object can be used for this. The potential energy expression of the Force must be provided. Depending on the potential energy expression, the proper number of atom groups and Force parameters must be provided. Finally, SEEKR2 must be told to monitor this force group for crossing by using the MmvtLangevinIntegrator.addMilestoneGroup() function (or equivalent functions in the ElberLangevinIntegrator).
SEEKR2 monitors the specified force groups. If the potential energy expression is negative or zero, then the system advances in time according to a typical Langevin integrator. However, once the potential energy of the Force is found to be positive, then the MMVT reflection mechanism is triggered, the crossing information is logged, and, optionally, the state is saved.
Therefore, the key step to defining these surfaces is to formulate an appropriate mathematical expression whose value is exactly zero all along the MMVT surface. Therefore, the MMVT surface is the zero isosurface of the provided expression.
A maximum of 32 force groups are allowed in OpenMM. Since group 0 should be reserved for non-SEEKR2 forces, that leaves 31 possible distinct SEEKR surfaces that can be defined per simulation.
A number of sample scripts are located in the examples/ directory to provide some examples of how to create MMVT/Elber surfaces of different types. A system of 10 argon atoms interacting with the Lennard-Jones potential are bound within a spherical "Cartesian" surface ("Cartesian" surfaces are defined by an absolute location in space, and do not move with any particles in the system). A system of 10 argon atoms are bound within a box defined by six planar "Cartesian" surfaces. A system of trypsin and benzamidine, where the benzamidine is bound between two spheres at 11 and 13 Angstroms, where the center of the spheres is defined as the center of mass of a number of key residues of the trypsin active site. The tryptophan cage peptide, where two MMVT surfaces are defined as the sum of the squared distances of three pairs of side chains that are interacting in the folded native structure. This is intended as a demonstration of potential protein-folding applications. Inorganic pyrophosphate in the active site of pyrophosphatase is bound between two "angular" MMVT surfaces. This script demonstrates that crossing states can be saved for later analysis of atomic positions. Again, the trypsin/benzamidine system is used. This script defines six spherical MMVT surfaces in the trypsin/benzamidine system that approximate a box-like shape near the location of the benzamidine. The centers of the spheres move along with the centers of mass of some hand-picked atoms on the trypsin. A system of trypsin and benzamidine, where the benzamidine is starting at a distance approximately 12 Angstroms, close to a source milestone at exactly 12 Angstroms. There are also two spherical destination milestones at 11 and 13 Angstroms. For all milestones, the center of the spheres is defined as the center of mass of a number of key residues of the trypsin active site. This script provides a sample for how position information can be extracted from the OpenMM state objects saved upon milestone crossing. This script is further discussed in the "CROSSING STATE ANALYSIS" section below.
When the file defined by the crossingsFileName argument is opened, it contains two columns. The first column defines the force group representing the milestone surface that was crossed, and the second column is the time of crossing (in ps) since the start of the simulation. Notice that each of the crossing events are sequential. If two or more milestones are crossed in the same timestep, both/all crossings are logged as happening at the same time.
This file contains all the information necessary to recreate the crossing probabilities and times for later MMVT kinetics/thermodynamic analysis.
When a file prefix is provided to the setSaveStateFileName() method, then a new file will be created upon each crossing that will be named according to the provided prefix, but with the crossing surface force group and timestep appended to the name. These state files are written in XML, and contain plaintext information about atomic positions and velocities, as well as some other system information.
The script is provided as an example script for extracting the positions from the state files. Note that the parmed package is needed to run this script.
Copyright (c) 2021, Lane Votapka
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.5.