Complaints can give us insights into problems people are experiencing in the marketplace and help us to understand the reason and do necessary modifications in exisiting financial product if required.
By understanding existing complaints registered against financial products we can create an ML model that can help us to identify newly registered complaints whether they are problematic or not and accordingly company can take quick action to resolve the issue, and satisfy the customer's need.
Therefore, the problem statement is to identify registered complaint will be disputed by customer or not.
- Python
- PySpark
- PySpark ML
- Airflow - as a scheduler for scheduling the pipelines
- MongoDB - to store the artifact info of respective components for monitoring purpose
- Terraform - to automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of the required infrastructure
- circleci - for CICD deployment workflow automation
- GCP Compute Engine - to deploy our AI powered application over cloud
- AWS S3 Bucket - to register best performing trained model
- GCP Artifact Registry - to store the docker image built during continous delivery
- Node Exporter - to collect or scrap the system logs like RAM, ROM utilization etc
- Prometheus - to store the logs collected by Node Exporter
- Promtail - to collect or scrap the application logs
- Loki - to store the logs collected by Promtail
- Grafana - to create dashboard using logs stored in Prometheus and Loki
- Build docker image
docker build -t fc:lts .
- Set environment variable
export MONGO_DB_URL=
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="ap-south-1"
export IMAGE_NAME=fc:lts
- To start your application
docker-compose up
- To stop your application
docker-compose down
- Set airflow directory
export AIRFLOW_HOME="/home/seema/census_consumer_project/census_consumer_complaint/airflow"
- To install airflow
pip install apache-airflow
- To configure database
airflow db init
- To create login user for airflow
airflow users create -e -f Seemanshu -l Shukla -p admin -r Admin -u admin
- To start scheduler
airflow scheduler
- To launch airflow server
airflow webserver -p <port_number>
Eg; airflow webserver -p 8080
- Update in airflow.cfg
enable_xcom_pickling = True