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Examples of how to interact with sei-chain through Go.

Go References

Signing Transactions

Here's an example from our loadtest client, it builds the transaction, sets the gas and fee limits and then signs it in Go

func (c *LoadTestClient) BuildTxs() (workgroups []*sync.WaitGroup, sendersList [][]func()) {
			accountIdentifier := fmt.Sprint(account)
			accountKeyPath := c.SignerClient.GetTestAccountKeyPath(uint64(account))
			key := c.SignerClient.GetKey(accountIdentifier, "test", accountKeyPath)

			msgs, failureExpected, signer, gas, fee := c.generateMessage(config, key, config.MsgsPerTx)
			txBuilder := TestConfig.TxConfig.NewTxBuilder()
			_ = txBuilder.SetMsgs(msgs...)
			seqDelta := uint64(i / 2)
			mode := typestx.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC
			if j == len(activeAccounts)-1 {
				mode = typestx.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK
			sender := SendTx(signer, &txBuilder, mode, seqDelta, failureExpected, *c, gas, fee)

func SendTx(
	key cryptotypes.PrivKey,
	txBuilder *client.TxBuilder,
	mode typestx.BroadcastMode,
	seqDelta uint64,
	failureExpected bool,
	loadtestClient LoadTestClient,
	gas uint64,
	fee int64,
) func() {
		sdk.NewCoin("usei", sdk.NewInt(fee)),
	loadtestClient.SignerClient.SignTx(loadtestClient.ChainID, txBuilder, key, seqDelta)

func (sc *SignerClient) SignTx(chainID string, txBuilder *client.TxBuilder, privKey cryptotypes.PrivKey, seqDelta uint64) {
	var sigsV2 []signing.SignatureV2
	signerInfo := sc.GetAccountNumberSequenceNumber(privKey)
	accountNum := signerInfo.AccountNumber
	seqNum := signerInfo.SequenceNumber

	seqNum += seqDelta
	sigV2 := signing.SignatureV2{
		PubKey: privKey.PubKey(),
		Data: &signing.SingleSignatureData{
			SignMode:  TestConfig.TxConfig.SignModeHandler().DefaultMode(),
			Signature: nil,
		Sequence: seqNum,
	sigsV2 = append(sigsV2, sigV2)
	_ = (*txBuilder).SetSignatures(sigsV2...)
	sigsV2 = []signing.SignatureV2{}
	signerData := xauthsigning.SignerData{
		ChainID:       chainID,
		AccountNumber: accountNum,
		Sequence:      seqNum,
	sigV2, _ = clienttx.SignWithPrivKey(
	sigsV2 = append(sigsV2, sigV2)
	_ = (*txBuilder).SetSignatures(sigsV2...)

Verifying Transactions

This is another example from the loadtest client where it takes a list of TX Hashes and verifies the responses concurrently.

func (c *LoadTestClient) ValidateTxs() {
	defer c.Close()
	numTxs := len(c.TxHashList)
	resultChan := make(chan *types.TxResponse, numTxs)
	var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup

	if numTxs == 0 {

	for _, txHash := range c.TxHashList {
		go func(txHash string) {
			defer waitGroup.Done()
			resultChan <- c.GetTxResponse(txHash)

	go func() {

	fmt.Printf("Validating %d Transactions... \n", len(c.TxHashList))

	notCommittedTxs := 0
	responseCodeMap := map[int]int{}
	responseStringMap := map[string]int{}
	for result := range resultChan {
		// If the result is nil then that means the transaction was not committed
		if result == nil {
		code := result.Code
		codeString := "ok"
		if code != 0 {
			codespace := result.Codespace
			error := sdkerrors.ABCIError(codespace, code, fmt.Sprintf("Error code=%d ", code))
			codeString = error.Error()

	fmt.Printf("Transactions not committed: %d\n", notCommittedTxs)
	pp.Printf("Response Code Mapping: \n %s \n", responseStringMap)
	for reason, count := range responseStringMap {
		IncrTxProcessCode(reason, count)

Listening to events

Here's an example from our oracle price-feeder, it listens to new height event from a chain running on the same host as the Oracle price-feeder service.

package client

import (

	tmrpcclient ""
	tmtypes ""

var (
	started                  = false
	queryEventNewBlockHeader = tmtypes.QueryForEvent(tmtypes.EventNewBlockHeaderValue)
	queryInterval            = 20 * time.Millisecond

// HeightUpdater is used to provide the updates of the latest chain
// It starts a goroutine to subscribe to new block event and send the latest block height to the channel
type HeightUpdater struct {
	Logger        zerolog.Logger
	LastHeight    int64
	ChBlockHeight chan int64

// Start will start a new goroutine subscribed to EventNewBlockHeader.
func (heightUpdater HeightUpdater) Start(
	ctx context.Context,
	rpcClient tmrpcclient.Client,
	logger zerolog.Logger,
) error {
	if !started {
		if err := rpcClient.Start(ctx); err != nil {
			return err
		go heightUpdater.subscribe(ctx, rpcClient, logger)
		started = true
	return nil

// subscribe listens to new blocks being made
// and updates the chain height.
func (heightUpdater HeightUpdater) subscribe(
	ctx context.Context,
	eventsClient tmrpcclient.EventsClient,
	logger zerolog.Logger,
) {
	for {
		eventData, err := tmrpcclient.WaitForOneEvent(ctx, eventsClient, queryEventNewBlockHeader.String())
		if err != nil {
			logger.Debug().Err(err).Msg("Failed to query EventNewBlockHeader")
		eventDataNewBlockHeader, ok := eventData.(tmtypes.EventDataNewBlockHeader)
		if !ok {
			logger.Err(err).Msg("Failed to parse event from eventDataNewBlockHeader")
		} else {
			eventHeight := eventDataNewBlockHeader.Header.Height
			if eventHeight > heightUpdater.LastHeight {
				logger.Info().Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Received new Chain Height: %d", eventHeight))
				heightUpdater.LastHeight = eventHeight
				if len(heightUpdater.ChBlockHeight) < 1 {
					heightUpdater.ChBlockHeight <- eventHeight
				} else {
					// skip this block height since price feeder is still sending previous transaction
					logger.Info().Msg(fmt.Sprintf("Skipped Block Height: %d due to in progress tx", eventHeight))
