This repository contains my work for Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree program, July 2015 cohort.
- Project 1: Test a Perceptual Phenomenon
- Project 2: Analyzing the NYC Subway Dataset
- Project 3: Data Wrangle OpenStreetMaps Data
- Project 4: Explore and Summarize Data
- Project 5: Identifying Fraud from Enron Email
- Project 6: Tell Stories with Data Visualization
- Project 7: Design and Analyze an A/B Test
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
- Intro to Python
- Intro to Data Science
- Data Wrangling with MongoDB
- Data Analysis with R
- Intro to Machine Learning
- Data Visualization and D3.js
- A/B Testing
- Python (inc. numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, ggplot...)
- MongoDB
- MapReduce
- R (inc. dplyr, ggplot...)
- D3.js & dimple.js