title | author | date | output |
RV144 gene-expression case-control integrative analysis |
Slim Fourati |
October 20, 2015 |
github_documents |
loading require packages
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "knitr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "igraph"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "mixOmics6.0"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "Biobase"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "readr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "ggplot2"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "dplyr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package = "tidyr"))
set default options/variables
workDir <- dirname(getwd())
opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, fig.path = "../figure/")
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
width = 80,
readr.num_columns = 0)
read clinical annotation
clinicalAnnotFile <- file.path(workDir, "input/rv144.master_wk26.csv")
clinicalAnnotation <- read_csv(file = clinicalAnnotFile,
col_types = paste(rep("c", times = 21),
collapse = ""))
clinicalAnnotation <- lapply(clinicalAnnotation,
FUN = type.convert,
as.is = TRUE) %>%
data.frame(check.names = FALSE)
# remove unused columns
clinicalAnnotation <- clinicalAnnotation %>%
select(-v7, -v9)
rownames(clinicalAnnotation) <- clinicalAnnotation$pin
read primary correlates and create ExpressionSet
primCorrelatesFile <- file.path(workDir,
primCorrelates <- read_csv(file = primCorrelatesFile)
# select only the six primarary correlates and exclude variables transformed to
# categorical values
primCorrelatesMat <- primCorrelates %>%
select(starts_with("primary"), -ends_with("cat"), -ends_with("imp")) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
colnames(primCorrelatesMat) <- primCorrelates$pin
primCorrelatesAnnot <- clinicalAnnotation[as.character(primCorrelates$pin), ]
primCorrelatesSet <- ExpressionSet(assayData = primCorrelatesMat,
phenoData =
# print ExpressionSet
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 6 features, 246 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: 104173 107034 ... 852086 (246 total)
## varLabels: pin dem_sex ... cc_cohort (19 total)
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation:
# save primary correlates ExpressionSet
file = file.path(workDir, "output/rv144.primCorrelatesSet.RData"))
read sorted cell counts, samples annotation and features annotation
phenotypeFile <- file.path(workDir, "input/rv144.phenotype_counts.csv")
phenotype <- read_csv(file = phenotypeFile)
phenotypeSamplesAnnotFile <- file.path(workDir,
phenotypeSamplesAnnotation <- read_csv(file = phenotypeSamplesAnnotFile)
phenotypeFeatsAnnotFile <- file.path(workDir,
phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation <- read_csv(file = phenotypeFeatsAnnotFile) %>%
rownames(phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation) <- phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation$path
# create raw phenotype expressionset
phenotypeMat <- phenotype %>%
select(-rowname) %>%
rownames(phenotypeMat) <- phenotype$rowname
phenotypeSamplesAnnotation <- phenotypeSamplesAnnotation %>%
merge(y = clinicalAnnotation, by.x = "PTID", by.y = "pin", all.x = TRUE) %>%
rename(pin = PTID) %>%
rownames(phenotypeSamplesAnnotation) <- phenotypeSamplesAnnotation$File
phenotypeSamplesAnnotation <-
phenotypeSamplesAnnotation[colnames(phenotypeMat), ]
phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation <- phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation %>%
rownames(phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation) <- phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation$path
phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation <-
phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation[rownames(phenotypeMat), ]
phenotypeRawSet <- ExpressionSet(
assayData = phenotypeMat,
phenoData = AnnotatedDataFrame(phenotypeSamplesAnnotation),
featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(phenotypeFeaturesAnnotation))
# save raw phenotype ExpressionSet
file = file.path(workDir, "output/rv144.phenotypeRawSet.RData"))
# exclude samples not from the RV144 case/ctrl study
phenotypeSet <- phenotypeRawSet[, !is.na(phenotypeRawSet$pin)]
# use live cells counts to normalize cells
phenotypeMat <- exprs(phenotypeSet)
exprs(phenotypeSet) <- t(t(phenotypeMat) / phenotypeMat["/Time/S/Live", ])
# add live cells counts to the samples data
phenotypeSet$"/Time/S/Live" <- phenotypeMat["/Time/S/Live", ]
# exclude not-used subsets
phenotypeSet <- phenotypeSet[!(fData(phenotypeSet)$popName %in%
c("Live", "L", "3-19-", "3-HLADR+")), ]
# print ExpressionSet
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 6 features, 258 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: 221690.fcs 221692.fcs ... 252490.fcs (258 total)
## varLabels: pin File ... /Time/S/Live (24 total)
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData
## featureNames: /Time/S/Live/14+ /Time/S/Live/14-/L/3-19+ ...
## /Time/S/Live/14-/L/3+19- (6 total)
## fvarLabels: path popName
## fvarMetadata: labelDescription
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation:
# save normalized phenotype ExpressionSet
file = file.path(workDir, "output/rv144.phenotypeSet.RData"))
read luminex data and create ExpressionSet
luminexFile <- file.path(workDir, "input/rv144.luminex.csv")
luminex <- read_csv(file = luminexFile)
# select only the six primarary correlates and exclude variables transformed to
# categorical values
luminexMat <- luminex %>%
select(-PTID) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
colnames(luminexMat) <- luminex$PTID
luminexAnnot <- clinicalAnnotation[as.character(luminex$PTID), ]
luminexSet <- ExpressionSet(assayData = luminexMat,
phenoData =
# print ExpressionSet
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 12 features, 262 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: 104173 107034 ... 852086 (262 total)
## varLabels: pin dem_sex ... cc_cohort (19 total)
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation:
# save primary correlates ExpressionSet
save(luminexSet, file = file.path(workDir, "output/rv144.luminexSet.RData"))
read intracellular cytokine staining and create ExpressionSet
icsFile <- file.path(workDir, "input/rv144.compass_ics_scaled.csv")
ics <- read_csv(file = icsFile)
# select only the six primarary correlates and exclude variables transformed to
# categorical values
icsMat <- ics %>%
select(-pin, -PUBID, -PTID) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
colnames(icsMat) <- ics$pin
icsAnnot <- clinicalAnnotation[as.character(ics$pin), ]
icsSet <- ExpressionSet(assayData = icsMat,
phenoData =
# print ExpressionSet
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 8 features, 226 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: 107034 110256 ... 852086 (226 total)
## varLabels: pin dem_sex ... cc_cohort (19 total)
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation:
# save primary correlates ExpressionSet
save(icsSet, file = file.path(workDir, "output/rv144.icsSet.RData"))
read haplotype and create ExpressionSet
haplotypeFile <- file.path(workDir, "input/rv144.haplotype.csv")
haplotype <- read_csv(file = haplotypeFile)
# select only the six primarary correlates and exclude variables transformed to
# categorical values
haplotypeMat <- haplotype %>%
select(-Pid) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
colnames(haplotypeMat) <- haplotype$Pid
haplotypeAnnot <- clinicalAnnotation[as.character(haplotype$Pid), ]
haplotypeSet <- ExpressionSet(assayData = haplotypeMat,
phenoData =
# print ExpressionSet
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 31 features, 210 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: 220187 417372 ... 354609 (210 total)
## varLabels: pin dem_sex ... cc_cohort (19 total)
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation:
# save primary correlates ExpressionSet
save(haplotypeSet, file = file.path(workDir, "output/rv144.haplotypeSet.RData"))
load genesets ExpressionSet
gsSetFile <- file.path(workDir, "output/rv144.gsSet.RData")
load(file = gsSetFile)
# add donor ID to phenotypic annotation
gsSet$pin <- gsSet$donor
combine all measurement for vaccinees
clinicalAnnotation <- filter(clinicalAnnotation, trt %in% "VACCINE")
allMat <- keyClass <- NULL
for (omic in setdiff(ls(pattern = "Set$"), "phenotypeRawSet")) {
# print(omic)
eval(parse(text = paste("eset <-", omic)))
allMat <- rbind(allMat,
table = eset$pin),
drop = FALSE])
keyClass <- c(keyClass,
rep(gsub(pattern = "Set$", replacement = "", omic),
times = nrow(eset)))
colnames(allMat) <- clinicalAnnotation$pin
# remove columns with only missing values
flag <- colSums(is.na(allMat)) == nrow(allMat)
allMat <- allMat[, -which(flag)]
determine if variables is binary, categorical or continuous
flagDF <- t(allMat) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
gather(key, value) %>%
group_by(key) %>%
summarize(isUnique = length(table(value)) <= 1,
isBinary = max(sort(table(value))) >=
length(value) * 0.25,
cutoff = names(sort(table(value, exclude = NULL),
decreasing = TRUE))[1],
isCateg = length(table(value, exclude = NULL)) <=
length(value) * 0.25,
isContinuous = length(na.omit(suppressWarnings(
as.numeric(value)))) >= length(value) * 0.25) %>%
mutate(type = ifelse(test = isUnique, yes = NA, no = ""),
type = ifelse(test = !isUnique & isBinary,
yes = "binary",
no = type),
type = ifelse(test = type %in% "" & isCateg,
yes = "categorical",
no = type),
type = ifelse(test = type %in% "" & isContinuous,
yes = "continuous",
no = type),
type = ifelse(test = type %in% "",
yes = NA,
no = type),
key = as.vector(key)) %>%
flagDF <- flagDF[match(rownames(allMat), flagDF$key), ]
flagDF$class <- keyClass
assess correlation between variables
projection-based integrative analysis
# for every pair of omics, identify complete set of participants
outLS <- list()
candidateOmics <- unique(flagDF$class)
for (i in 1:(length(candidateOmics) - 1)) {
for (j in (i+1):length(candidateOmics)) {
omic1 <- candidateOmics[i]
omic2 <- candidateOmics[j]
subDF <- t(allMat[flagDF$class %in% c(omic1, omic2) &
flagDF$type %in% "continuous", ])
subFlagDF <- flagDF[flagDF$class %in% c(omic1, omic2) &
flagDF$type %in% "continuous", ]
if (length(unique(subFlagDF$class)) > 1) {
subDF <- subDF[complete.cases(subDF), ]
splsFull <- spls(subDF[, subFlagDF$class %in% omic1, drop = FALSE],
subDF[, subFlagDF$class %in% omic2, drop = FALSE],
mode = "regression",
scale = TRUE)
set.seed(seed = 1)
splsCV <- perf(splsFull,
validation = "loo",
progressBar = FALSE)
nComp <- which.max(splsCV$Q2.total)
keep.X <- apply(abs(splsFull$loadings$X), 1, sum) > 0
keep.Y <- apply(abs(splsFull$loadings$Y), 1, sum) > 0
cord.X <- cor(splsFull$X[, keep.X], splsFull$variates$X[, 1:nComp],
use = "pairwise")
cord.Y <- cor(splsFull$Y[, keep.Y], splsFull$variates$X[, 1:nComp],
use = "pairwise")
simFullMat <- cord.X %*% t(cord.Y)
rThreshold <- quantile(as.numeric(simFullMat), probs = 0.975)
if (rThreshold > 0) {
net <- network(splsFull,
comp = 1:2,
threshold = rThreshold)
outLS[[paste0(omic1, "_", omic2)]] <- net
# igraph with positive correlation
gR <- outLS[[1]]$gR
igraph::V(gR)$name <- V(gR)$label
for (i in 2:(length(outLS) - 1)) {
gtemp <- outLS[[i]]$gR
V(gtemp)$name <- V(gtemp)$label
g1v <- get.data.frame(gR, what = "vertices")
g2v <- get.data.frame(gtemp, what = "vertices")
guv <- rbind(g1v, g2v)
guv <- guv[!duplicated(guv[, "name"]), ]
g1e <- get.data.frame(gR, what = "edges")
g2e <- get.data.frame(gtemp, what = "edges")
gue <- rbind(g1e, g2e)
gR <- graph.data.frame(gue, directed = FALSE, vertices = guv)
toDelete <- igraph::V(gR)$label
toDelete <- data.frame(key = toDelete,
class = flagDF$class[match(toDelete, flagDF$key)]) %>%
mutate(to.delete = ifelse(test = class %in% "gs" & !(key %in% enrichedGS),
yes = "yes",
no = "no"))
gR <- igraph::delete.vertices(gR, which(toDelete$to.delete %in% "yes"))
gR <- igraph::delete.edges(gR, which(igraph::E(gR)$weight < 0))
gR <- igraph::delete.vertices(gR, which(igraph::degree(gR) < 1))
set.seed(seed = 1)
V(gR)$class <- flagDF$class[match(V(gR)$label, table = flagDF$key)]
vShape <- ifelse(test = V(gR)$class %in% "gs", yes = "circle", no = "square")
vColor <- rainbow(n = length(unique(V(gR)$class)))
vColor <- vColor[match(V(gR)$class, table = unique(V(gR)$class))]
eColor <- findInterval(E(gR)$weight,
vec = seq(from = 0, to = 0.6, by = 0.05))
eColor <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "orange", "red"))(13)[eColor]
vertex.size = 5,
vertex.shape = vShape,
vertex.color = vColor,
vertex.label.cex = 0.8,
vertex.label.dist = 1/3,
edge.label = signif(E(gR)$weight, digits = 3),
edge.label.cex = 0.5,
edge.color = eColor,
edge.width = 2)
print session info
## R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS 10.14
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
## LAPACK: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] bindrcpp_0.2.2 tidyr_0.8.1 dplyr_0.7.6
## [4] readr_1.1.1 Biobase_2.40.0 BiocGenerics_0.26.0
## [7] mixOmics6.0_6.0.0 ggplot2_3.0.0 lattice_0.20-35
## [10] MASS_7.3-50 igraph_1.2.2 knitr_1.20
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] tidyselect_0.2.4 purrr_0.2.5 reshape2_1.4.3
## [4] colorspace_1.3-2 miniUI_0.1.1.1 htmltools_0.3.6
## [7] rlang_0.2.2 manipulateWidget_0.10.0 later_0.7.5
## [10] pillar_1.3.0 glue_1.3.0 withr_2.1.2
## [13] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 bindr_0.1.1 plyr_1.8.4
## [16] stringr_1.3.1 munsell_0.5.0 gtable_0.2.0
## [19] htmlwidgets_1.2 evaluate_0.11 labeling_0.3
## [22] httpuv_1.4.5 crosstalk_1.0.0 highr_0.7
## [25] Rcpp_0.12.18 xtable_1.8-3 corpcor_1.6.9
## [28] scales_1.0.0 promises_1.0.1 webshot_0.5.0
## [31] jsonlite_1.5 mime_0.5 ellipse_0.4.1
## [34] hms_0.4.2 digest_0.6.17 stringi_1.2.4
## [37] shiny_1.1.0 grid_3.5.1 tools_3.5.1
## [40] magrittr_1.5 rgl_0.99.16 lazyeval_0.2.1
## [43] tibble_1.4.2 crayon_1.3.4 pkgconfig_2.0.2
## [46] assertthat_0.2.0 R6_2.2.2 compiler_3.5.1