The aim is to manage your nginx in nodeJS language. You can use it like an API.
Note: Because of base configuration, you can only access HTTPS of this website. But you can use a HTTP or HTTPS Backend.
Also it supports DoS/DDoS protection (by software).
You can install nginx to other distros. too but I am going to tell it in CentOS, Run this command to add nginx repo:
> sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo
> sudo yum install nginx
> sudo yum install certbot
Then add this:
name=nginx repo
To open ports in firewall
> firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
> firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
> firewall-cmd --reload
Enter http://IP , you should be able to see welcoming nginx page.
Then copy inside of setup folder to /etc/nginx
folder (Thanks to for configuration files). Then run:
> openssl dhparam -dsaparam -out /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem 2048
> mkdir -p /var/www/_letsencrypt
> adduser www-data
> chown www-data /var/www/_letsencrypt
> sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/sites
> sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
And after you added your first website run this:
> echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nnginx -t && systemctl reload nginx' | sudo tee /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/
> sudo chmod a+x /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/
Then you are ready to use your script.
First run npm install
Then set basic server settings to build your server.
const PATH_SITES_ENABLED = "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled";
const DEFAULT_SITE_SCHEME = fs.readFileSync("scheme.conf", "utf8");
const commands = fs.readFileSync("command.txt", "utf8").split("\r\n");
const mail = "";
PATH_SITES_ENABLED is the directory that stores configuration files.
DEFAULT_SITE_SCHEME is path to default configuration file that will be used for future websites.
commands is an string array that is needed to be run element by element to setup new website.
mail is needed for confirming your website by LetsEncrypt SSL
Then setup your configuration manager.
var cm = new ConfigManager(PATH_SITES_ENABLED, DEFAULT_SITE_SCHEME, commands, mail);
Then prepare settings for your first website
var dom = "";
var zoneName = "example"; // This is for preventing DoS/DDoS by blocking flood. Every domain should have different zoneName(s).
var ip = "" // This is IP that will be our backend.
var settings = [10, 10, dom, "https", ip, 443, zoneName, 5, 15]; // You can be confused with these values. You will understand them while you are coding (JSDoc). And you can look into scheme.conf then compare the variable names and values.
(Be sure that you have configured your DNS settings) And then add your website
cm.addSite(settings).then((res) => {
console.log(res, true); // Adding website seems successful.
}).catch((err) => {
console.log(err, false); // An error has been occurred.
Then enter your domain
(You will be forwarded to https if you try to enter from HTTP Protocol).
Good job! It's ready! To remove a website:
cm.removeSite(oldDom).then((res) => {
console.log(res, true);
}).catch((err) => {
console.log(err, false);
At your backend, you can find visitor's IP. In PHP:
if($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] === "YOUR_PROXY_IP"){ // You should be sure that client is requesting through proxy.
// Then you can do what you want about visitor's IP.
Just run sudo node siteAdder.js
. Then choose the action that you want. (I recommend you to only touch settings domain, backend protocol, backend port, backend ip etc. )
Note: Try to not use same domain many times for creating cert. You can be get banned for 1 week.
If you find any bug, please open an issuse from issues tab.
Todo list:
- CloudFlare support (Reversing IP Back)
- Dynamically adding/removing websitse
- More specific configuration file support website by website
- NGINX Stats support (Added through dynamic serverblock confs.)
- Terminal GUI
Web Proxy/NGINX Configuration manager NodeJS Part made by selimrecep