This is project for local development using docker. Project contains compose file and a settings of all images.
Fully tested on OS X 10.13 with lastest version of Docker.
For fix volume speed install and run sh
- PHP7-FPM with Nginx (custom from dockerfile)
- MySQL (
- Memcached (
- Portainer (
git clone ~/Docker
- Place your projects into folder
- Run
cd && sh Docker/
cd ~/Docker && dcu
The containers will be restarted independently.
Description of images settings.
- nginx/nginx.conf - main config
- nginx/sites/* - vhost configs
- nginx/admins/* - vhost configs of admin tools
- php/php.ini - main config
- php/php-fpm.conf - fpm config
- php/bashrc - file copied to container
- Dockerfile - custom image config with all needed ext
File shell/
contains useful docker aliases.
- phpMyAdmin, phpMemcachedAdmin, phpRedisAdmin located if folder
MySQL, Portainer store their data locally.
- ./mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql
- ./data/portainer:/data
- find good web log ui
- ...